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  1. Towards a future vision for General Practice response - October 2018.pdf

    Consultation Response Towards a Future Vision for General Practice Age Cymru 30 October 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people ... provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the consultation on a future vision for General Practice. What

  2. A One-Stop-Shop guide for unpaid carers in Wales - June 2023.pdf

    One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales A guide for identifying, signposting, and supporting older carers in Wales Creating an age friendly Wales 2 A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in ... needs assessment 6 Should I talk to my GP? 8 Benefits and financial help 9 Benefits calculators 10 Financial support 11 Help with Council Tax 13 Working carers 16 Complaints 17 NHS Service 20 Organisations

  3. Cost of caring for an ageing population - January 2018.pdf

    1 Consultation Response The Cost of Caring for an Ageing Population Finance Committee January 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all ... voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the Finance Committee’s Inquiry into the Cost of Caring for an Ageing

  4. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review June 2014    Using housing wealth and other assets to pay for care Summary  • In the UK, personal wealth , including housing wealth, is greatest in older age ... ‘home’ and only used as a source of  income as a last resort  for emergency support later in life.  • The Care Act 2014 will provide, for the first time a degree of certainty in the cost of residentia

  5. Promo Leaflet v5.pdf

    • Are you aged 50 or over and live in Wales? • Do you look after, or give any unpaid help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others because of long-term physical or mental ill-health ... accessing any formal support or services to help you in your role looking after someone/giving unpaid support? If you answered Yes to all the questions above, please help us by completing our questionnaire. You

  6. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    Improving later life Together We all want the best possible later life for our families, our friends and ourselves. With your help, we can change lives. Together. Money matters 4 Health & wellbeing 8 Home ... Annual Review 2011/12. Together with our partners, supporters, volunteers and staff we help make later life better for millions of people. 1 Money matters Health & wellbeing Home & care Travel & lifestyle

  7. Older People in Wales: facts and statistics

    Swansea University’s Graduate Support Programme, utilising Welsh Government funding via the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW).  Older people in Wales - facts and statistics 2021

  8. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    Later life in rural England Age UK is a charity that aims to improve later life for everyone through our information and advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research. In the UK we work ... attention to the voices of disadvantaged and vulnerable older people. Contents Introduction 2 Key calls for action 5 Transport 7 Health and social care 11 Fuel poverty 15 Broadband access 19 Poverty and financial

  9. Become an Independent Volunteer Advocate

    An exciting new project needs your help to support older people (50+) and carers in your community.

  10. Winter 2022 Newsletter web.pdf

    time for all of us but especially this year with the cost-of-living crisis. So, in this special winter edition of Age Matters we’ve brought together lots of advice on a wide range of subjects to help keep ... seem that there’s advice, help and support out there. So, please if you’re struggling this winter don’t suffer in silence but reach out to us and we’ll do all we can to help. For general information about

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