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  1. IG15.pdf

    Improving access to the toilet If your incontinence is caused by difficulty getting around, a walking aid or stairlift might help you to get to the toilet in time. Freestanding or wall-mounted grab rails can

  2. RB_June13_Problem_debt_among_older_people.pdf

    directed at the highest levels of government and the civil service in London and Brussels. We are aided in this work by our Chief Executive, Baroness Sally Greengross, former director-general of Age Concern

  3. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    Alzheimer’s café. The volunteer also provided her with transport to a residential care home for a bath once a week. gNS support has enabled mary to remain independent in her home since 2009. Without it

  4. FS24w.pdf

    24 of 46  Personal care – for example, getting dressed, washing and bathing, getting in and out of bed, eating and drinking, or taking medication (also see section 15 below

  5. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    and local Age UKs we spoke to told us what could be included in emergency packs, including: First aid kit Blankets, socks, hat A thermos and soup packets Batteries, e.g. for radio Torch (wind-up), whistle ... ’36 It lists the sector’s potential roles and skills, including: • Practical support (such as first aid, transportation, or provisions for responders). • Psycho-social support (such as counselling and helplines)

  6. FS22.pdf

    It may be advisable to seek the advice of a solicitor in certain cases involving the Court. Legal Aid under the Legal Help and Legal Representation scheme is available for limited types of proceedings ... mainly serious health and welfare cases. Seek legal advice about whether you are entitled to Legal Aid funds for your case. More information about applying to the Court is available at

  7. Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    Advice wedi derbyn sawl galwad lle nad yw pobl yn gallu deall pam eu bod yn aros cyhyd i allu cael bath neu gawod. Maen nhw wedi dweud wrthym eu bod yn colli eu hurddas wrth gwympo yn y gawod a gorfod galw

  8. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    reduce the likelihood of these prisoners reoffending, it is imperative that those services which best aid rehabilitation – age-appropriate health and social care support, housing and pensions advice, education

  9. Cascade Training Programme - Final Evaluation Report (July 2015).pdf

    Harflett, N. & Bown, H. 2014. The economic value of older people's community based preventative services, Bath, National Development Team for Inclusion. HM Government 2014. Care act 2014, London, The Stationary

  10. CRS_Dec15_Financial_Advice_Market_Review.pdf

    other jurisdictions? 37. What steps could we take to address any barriers to digital innovation and aid the development of automated advice models? 38. What do you consider to be the main consumer considerations

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