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  1. FAW 2019. Take Action Today- patient table cv (2).pdf

    Cymru Advice Free on 08000 223 444 for information on routine nail cutting services in your area. Aids and equipment Do you use walking sticks, walking frames, wheelchairs? Are they starting to wear? Speak

  2. Age Cymru - Avoiding slips, trips and falls leaflet - English.pdf

    Bathroom • In the bath or shower, get a non slip rubber mat or use self-stick strips to secure your bath mat. • If you require support when you get in and out of the shower/bath or up from the toilet ... toilet have a grab rail fitted. • Don’t keep the bath mat on the floor. Move it once you’re out of the bath. Bedroom • Have a lamp close to the bed where it is easy to reach. • Use a nightlight so

  3. Advance decisions (living wills)

    care home or hospice your dietary requirements foods you do and don’t like whether you prefer baths or showers what kind of clothes you prefer to wear the type of music you like and what you like to

  4. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks_.pdf

    Check your Vision Manage your Home Better Jack & Jill: Nan, you aren’t as steady whilst using the bath or toilet anymore, and you can’t step into the shower like you used too. You wobble like jelly if

  5. How to find the help you need at home

    needs.  You may need help with personal care, such as getting in and out of bed, washing and bathing, preparing meals, shopping or cleaning. The first step in obtaining help from the local authority

  6. Helping School- Age Children Family and Grand Parents Talk About Falls Risks. - welsh FINAL.pdf

    Trefnu eich Tŷ yn Well Jac a Jill: Nain, dydych chi ddim mor sad ar eich traed wrth ddefnyddio’r bath neu doiled erbyn un, a fedrwch chi ddim camu i mewn i’r gawod fel roeddech chi’n arfer. Rydych yn

  7. IG17.pdf

    home 8 Answering the door 9 Getting up and down the stairs 10 Getting up and dressed 11 Washing, bathing and using the toilet 12 In the kitchen 14 Helpful technology Telehealth 15 Telecare 16 Living with ... disability or bereavement. You might find everyday things like preparing meals or getting in and out of the bath trickier than they used to be. Or you might struggle to carry out regular maintenance on your house

  8. Director recruitment pack.pdf

    and Travel Insurance, Personal Alarms, Funeral Plans and more. We also have aids for the home, including the Age UK Bathing Range and Stairlifts. A recent restructure has concentrated operations in

  9. IL7.pdf

    Install bathroom aids You may want to consider a handrail, non-slip bathmat or a bath seat. These can help you to keep your balance when getting in and out of the bath. Make sure your bath mat is secure and ... having new flooring fitted, make sure it’s non-slip. If you find it difficult getting in and out of the bath safely, contact the occupational therapy department of your local social services for an assessment

  10. Support groups and charities.pdf

    sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Trust National AIDS Trust Parkinson’s UK Terrence Higgins Trust

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