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  1. Accessing help for other.pdf

    East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. ©202l Age Cymru. Creating an age friendly Wales Accessing help for other, non-COVID-19, health issues As a ‘Friend’ you can let the person you’re supporting know that ... at risk. The person you’re supporting can access medical help: • Online: (for help and advice) • Phone: 111 (if symptoms get worse) • Phone: 999 (if someone’s life is at risk) GP

  2. National organisations for older people

    pensioners organisations and older people's groups. The aims of the Forum are: to work together for the benefit of all pensioners in Wales and to add equality, dignity and respect to ageing and enhance the quality ... one. NPC Wales has affiliates from unions, retired member groups, and individuals who are concerned for the well being of pensioners. You can download a form to affiliate to NPC Wales as a group or as an

  3. Paying for a care home

    Paying for residential care in a care home is expensive. There is some help available to meet the cost, but the care system can - unfortunately - be complicated and difficult to find your way through. ... older people may be eligible for financial help from your local authority or, in certain circumstances, from the NHS. Age Cymru has a wide range of factsheets on paying for care homes in Wales. These can

  4. Dental services for older people

    receive free NHS treatment and may also be eligible for help through the NHS low income scheme . Our Factsheets below contain further information:  For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303

  5. Register for a friendship call

    Register for a friendship call

  6. Tai chi Qigong

    Tai Chi for Health can help older people to improve their balance, core strength and overall wellbeing. This is an activity that can also help to reduce the risk of falls among older people.

  7. Ideas for Activities Bilingual 2018.pdf

       

  8. Nomination form for change maker.docx

    Nomination for change-maker Your name ……………………………………………………………………… Name of person you’re nominating ……………………………………… …..Please tell us the town they live in ………………………………………… Please tell us why you’re nominating ... Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2024 Your nomination and their photograph/s may be used in all publicity of our change makers project. This will include national and regional newspapers and magazines

  9. CSR_May13_UNDESA_Call_for_input.pdf

    elements for inclusion in an international human rights instrument for older people Ref: 1613 Date: May 2013 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic ... academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Name: Ken Bluestone, Political and Policy Adviser

  10. Self Assessment Form For Provideers Welsh.pdf

    1 GWEITHREDU’R COD YMARFER EIRIOLAETH OFFERYN HUNANASESU I DDARPARWYR Prosiect Eiriolaeth Edau Euraidd – a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru Medi 2016 2 OFFERYN HUNANASESU · CYFLWYNIAD Amcan Diben yr Offeryn Hunanasesu hwn yw canfod parodrwydd sefydliadol i gydymffurfio â Chod Ymarfer Rhan 10 (Eiriolaeth) a'i fwriad strategol. Mae'r Offeryn Hunanasesu ei hun wedi'i

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