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  1. Making a will

    If you want to be sure your wishes will be met after you die, then making a will is vital.

  2. How to leave a legacy

    Writing a will is an important step towards making sure your wishes can be respected.

  3. know_your_energy_rights.pdf

    3 How to complain to your energy provider If something does go wrong with an energy supplier, the first thing to do is contact the company as soon as you can. Explain the problem and what you would like ... get emotional and keep your anger in check - you can be assertive without being aggressive; • Don’t be embarrassed – it’s your right to complain if you’re not satisfied; • Admit your part in the problem if

  4. Survey Welsh -final.pdf

    1 Profiadau pobl 50 oed neu hŷn yng Nghymru sy’n gofalu, neu sy’n rhoi unrhyw gymorth neu gefnogaeth di-dâl i aelodau o’r teulu, ffrindiau, cymdogion neu eraill oherwydd anabledd neu salwch corfforol neu feddyliol hirdymor, neu broblemau sy’n gysylltiedig ag oedran hŷn, ac nad ydynt yn cael cymorth 1. A ydych chi’n gofalu, neu’n rhoi unrhyw gymorth neu gefnogaeth ddi-dâl i aelodau o’r teulu,

  5. Final WASP Charter.pdf

    are committed to keeping people in Wales safe from scams. If you or your organisation can play a role in protecting the public or your customers from scams and fraud we would be delighted to hear from you

  6. GCBH-Engage_your_brain.pdf

    Engage Your Brain: GCBH Recommendations on Cognitively Stimulating Activities The Global Council on Brain Health (GCBH) is an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals, scholars and ... experts from a broad array of disciplines and perspectives. BACKGROUND: ABOUT GCBH AND ITS WORK Engage Your Brain: GCBH Recommendations on Cognitively Stimulating Activities 1 Cognitively stimulating activities

  7. Survey Welsh - final.docx

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Profiadau pobl 50 oed neu hŷn yng Nghymru sy’n gofalu, neu sy’n rhoi unrhyw gymorth neu gefnogaeth di-dâl i aelodau o’r teulu, ffrindiau, cymdogion neu eraill oherwydd anabledd neu salwch corfforol neu feddyliol hirdymor, neu broblemau sy’n gysylltiedig ag oedran hŷn, ac nad ydynt yn cael cymorth A ydych chi’n gofalu, neu’n rhoi unrhyw gymorth neu gefnogaeth ddi-dâl i

  8. Final Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness report

    access to his then-three-year-old son for two hours a week – an experience he describes as “like having your heart ripped out”. After a court battle, he gained more access to his son, but the loneliness remained ... what works in tackling loneliness. Or it might be as simple as making sure everyone feels welcome in your group, and making special effort to help those who might need a bit of extra support to take the first

  9. Referral Form - Final.docx

    agencies involved and contact details if available Do you consent to Age Cymru collecting and storing your personal information  Yes NoYour details will be held on a secure database and will not be passed

  10. Carers Guide FINAL (Eng).pdf

    Introduction to Age Cymru’s Carers Project 3 Identifying and supporting older unpaid carers in Wales 4 Your rights 5 Carers needs assessment 6 Should I talk to my GP? 8 Benefits and financial help 9 Benefits ... each year. Providing care for someone can sometimes be difficult. It can affect your employment, your finances and both your physical and mental health. In Wales, if you’re a carer, you are not alone and

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