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  1. age-cymru-advice-how-can-we-help-booklet---english.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? Creating an age friendly Wales We are Age Cymru. Age Cymru is the leading charity for all older people in Wales. We campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure ... in all its forms. Age Cymru Mariners House Trident Court East Moors Road Cardiff CF24 5TD Age Cymru is part of the Age UK network, which also includes Age NI and Age Scotland. There

  2. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    1 Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service What we do. Age Cymru Advice provides an information and advice service to older people, their carers and families ... our national and local partner services in your area The service is free, independent and confidential and we won’t pass your details to anyone else without your permission. How we provide support. Ø

  3. Age Cymru Hope Project FAQs + QPM ENGLISH.pdf

    partners are; Age Cymru, Age Cymru local partners and Age Connects Wales partners and they make up the project board which oversees the strategic direction and implementation of the work. Age Cymru is the ... advocacy sector in Wales. The Hope team also continue to offer some of the support provided previously by Age Cymru including; supporting networks and advisory groups; undertaking assessments; mapping services

  4. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    1 Manifesto 2021 Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections – a better later life for all older people Age Cymru’s vision is a Wales where everyone enjoys good health, lives safely, is free from ... ongoing inequality of access to advocacy for all older people in Wales (iii) • Only 49% of people aged 75 or over use the internet (iv) 2 Everyone should live with dignity and respect. Older people are

  5. 20191113 Public Health Wales SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Response Strategic Equality Objectives 2020 – 2024 Public Health Wales November 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe ... reference to the provision of online services/programs, we would highlight that only 49% of people aged 75 or over were internet users in 2018-19.1 We believe that older people must be supported and encouraged

  6. 20200212 OPC SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Equality Objectives 2020 – 2024 Older People’s Commissioner for Wales February 2020 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe ... are real risks of excluding older people. The National Survey for Wales reports that 49% of people aged 75 or over were internet users in 2018-19.1

  7. RB_Sept13_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    1 Age UK Digital Inclusion Evidence Report 2013 Marcus Green and Phil Rossall Digital inclusion evidence review Contents 1 Digital inclusion of older people in the UK ........................ ... .......................................................................................... 17 2 Age UK Digital Inclusion Evidence Report 2013 Marcus Green and Phil Rossall Fear ..................

  8. Age Cymru IPA Appropriate Individual Booklet_E FINAL 12.3.20.pdf

    1 Creating an age friendly Wales The Role of an Appropriate Individual Part 10 Code of Practice (Advocacy) March 2020 2 3 Introduction The importance of the role of the appropriate individual is established ... with assistance from an appropriate individual, but there is no appropriate individual available. Age Cymru’s Golden Thread Advocacy Programme (GTAP)4 produced a flow chart5 which sets out a decision making

  9. Age Cymru IPA Appropriate Individual Booklet_W FINAL 12.3.20.pdf

    unigolyn priodol, ond nad oes unigolyn priodol ar gael. Mae Rhaglen Eiriolaeth Edau Euraidd (GTAP)4 Age Cymru wedi creu siart llif5 sy'n nodi proses gwneud penderfyniadau ar gyfer pennu'r angen am eiriolaeth ... gysylltiedig ag ymchwiliad diogelu. Gall yr unigolyn priodol fod yn aelod o'r teulu, ffrind, gofalwr, neu unrhyw un sy'n darparu ffurf o eiriolaeth annibynnol nad yw'n broffesiynol, cyn belled ag y bont yn

  10. RB_Jan16_Age_UK_Briefing_Opposition_Day_Debate_Housing.pdf

    1 Age UK briefing: Housing benefit cuts and supported housing January 2016 This briefing has been prepared by Age UK in follow up to Thursday 27th January opposition day debate on Housing benefit cuts ... cuts and supported housing. LHA Cap on Social Housing Age UK has added its voice to concerns over the implications of the LHA cap on social housing. Sheltered and extra care scheme could see a decline

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