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People also search for: who is entitled to the new state pension, winning number, where to fit a door key safe

  1. State Pension

    There is a new State Pension for anyone who reaches State Pension age after 6 April 2016.

  2. 17012023 - Duty of Quality - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Government January 2023 Question 1 Is the Guidance clear on what we are trying to achieve with NHS bodies through the introduction of the Duty of Quality? - Yes The guidance is clear in setting out the intentions ... interest in ensuring that the duty of quality is met by NHS bodies and Welsh Ministers. Wales has the oldest population in the UK; therefore, demand for provision is uniquely high, however the public should

  3. RB_April15_Winter_fuel_payment_briefing.pdf

    views. Who receives it and how much is it worth today? The WFP is a one-off annual payment that provides help with the cost of energy bills for pensioner households. It is currently a UK payment but responsibility ... the payment in Scotland is expected to be devolved to the Scottish Government.  It is paid to people who have reached women’s state pension age in the qualifying week which is the third week in Septemberi

  4. Viv Millard

    To keep my body and brain active What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? Everything What do you enjoy most about your volunteering experience? The friendships I have made What would you

  5. RB_Dec17_social_care.pdf

    social care system can help enable them to live with dignity. The current situation There are a number of growing systematic issues in adult social care which need to be addressed at a national level ... Act introducing a national system of eligibility, the care sector is close to breaking point and there is local variation in supply that is leaving many people without the help that they desperately need

  6. End of life issues

    Planning for the end of your life is a very sensitive and personal experience. It’s important you do what feels right for you, when it feels right. But being well informed can help you feel more in ... conversations can be hard but the following suggestions may help: Let your family know ahead of time what you want to discuss so the conversation doesn't take them by surprise Choose a time and place where

  7. FAW Briefing - 2021 - English.pdf

    putting our older citizens at the heart of #FallsAwareness2021 week. Our campaign is called Steady on Stay Safe. This is a systematic, public health approach based on similar, very successful, attempts ... intervention. Does it cost anything? No, all we require is your time. #FallsAwareness2021 week is taking place from July 12th to 18th and our only ask is that you take 2 minutes to talk to older people that

  8. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2011_2012.pdf

    Closer to home 28 Around the world 34 Message from the Chairman and Chief Executive 2 The year in numbers 4 In 2011/12, Age UK was voted by MPs and Peers as the most influential charity in Westminster. ... us. Over 3 million people accessed our website for information and advice or to learn more about what we do and the products and services we offer. Our flagship Information and Advice service reached

  9. Corina Walker

    communities. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? I started volunteering after I retired from a busy career and it has given me a focus. It also makes me feel good to contribute to my local ... positive way. What do you enjoy most about your volunteering experience? The actual sessions and hearing how it has benefited the participants. Also seeing and hearing how much people value it. What would you

  10. Newsletter Autumn 2021 English.pdf

    Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive, September 2021 This year, the months have passed by quickly and autumn is already upon us. We’re delighted that over the summer our physical activity programmes have been getting ... Step fundraising campaign. Over the last year our support has been in more demand than ever. Call numbers to Age Cymru Advice have been at record levels and our friendship services grow month on month. To

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