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  1. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    Long-term unemployment, usually defined as over 12 months out of work, is one of the most serious problems facing the 50+ cohort in the modern labour market. Of all older workers who are unemployed, nearly ... and personal barriers (for example low levels of IT skills). The Work Programme is the flagship Government scheme providing support to the long-term unemployed, using mainly private sector contractors

  2. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    1 Behind the headlines: Why the employment rate does not tell the whole story about working longer April 2017 2 Contents Summary of findings................................................ ... .......................... 4 The top-line (and headline) ............................................................................................. 5 Moving beyond the headline ....................

  3. RB_March16_Behind_the_Headlines_Hospital_Discharge.pdf

    1 Behind the Headlines Are older people and their families really to blame when their hospital discharges are delayed? Age UK, March 2016 Contact: Ruthe Isden, ... 2 Behind the headlines: are older people and families really to blame when their hospital discharges are delayed? We are regularly reading articles in the media about ‘bed blocking’

  4. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    can’t easily get out of the house or who live alone may be at risk. The nightmare scenario is an older person alone and cut-off in a crisis – this is what we must work to avoid. The Government recognises ... poses a growing threat to particular groups. The energy and financial services industries are developing a more nuanced understanding of ‘vulnerability’ where people’s changing circumstances – such as bereavement

  5. Age Cymru’s vision for the 2021 Senedd elections.pdf

    vision for the 2021 Senedd elections – a better later life for all older people Age Cymru’s vision is a Wales where everyone enjoys good health, lives safely, is free from discrimination and is actively ... all is for those who are furthest from experiencing or achieving a good later life. There are huge differences among the older population, with some in a much better position than others. At the moment

  6. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    The Wales Against Scams Partnership (WASP) is a network of organisations that are committed to fighting against fraud in Wales. WASP was founded by Age Cymru and the Older People’s Commissioner for ... with the aim of making Wales more hostile to those who would commit scams, whether on the doorstep, by post, by phone or online. Since 2023, it has been managed by Age Cymru. Its members include the Older

  7. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    uk The end of formal adult social care A provocation by the ILC-UK December 2015 I 2 I ILC-UK The end of formal adult social care About the Centre for Later Life funding This report is the ... second publication from The Centre for Later Life Funding, which in turn, sits under the guise of the ILC-UK. The Centre is, in part, a continuation of its predecessor body the Care Funding Advice Network

  8. Advocacy under the Social Services and Wellbeing Wales Act.pptx

  9. RB_June11_10_questions_for_the_local_public_sector.pdf

    discussion with the local public sector on the key issues affecting services for people in later life within the current climate of spending cuts and public services reform. In summary the areas covered ... Investing in engagement and transparency • Protecting the vulnerable and ensuring fair treatment • Shaping a changing provider market • Integrating the approach to health and wellbeing • Changing attitudes

  10. GCBH-The-Brain-Body-Connection-Report-Jul16.pdf

    SM The Brain–Body Connection: GCBH Recommendations on Physical Activity and Brain Health The Brain–Body Connection: GCBH Recommendations on Physical Activity and Brain Health 1 The Global Council on Brain ... Health (GCBH) is an independent collaborative of scientists, health professionals, scholars and policy experts from around the world working in areas of brain health related to human cognition. The GCBH focuses

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