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  1. GE 2019 manifesto - Welsh - Final version.pdf

    Gweledigaeth Age Cymru yw Cymru sy’n gyfeillgar i oed, lle mae pawb yn byw’n dda am gyfnod hwy, yn byw’n ddiogel, heb wahaniaethu ac yn ymwneud yn weithredol â’u cymuned. Ond gyda’r Etholiad Cyffredinol ... rheoli gan Lywodraeth y DU. Dilynwch ni ar Mae Age Cymru yn elusen gofrestredig 1128436. Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy warant ac wedi cofrestru yng Nghymru a

  2. Strategaeth Ddrafft Atal Hunanladdiad a Hunan-niweidio 2024-2034.pdf

    a hunanniweidio. Mae'r ail bwynt hwn yn arbennig o berthnasol i Age Cymru, sy'n cynnwys 'grymuso' ymhlith ei werthoedd allweddol. Nod Age Cymru yw helpu pobl (yn enwedig pobl sydd dan anfantais) i gymryd ... egwyddorion hyn yn ymdrin â nifer o bwyntiau pwysig a ddylai fod yn ganolog i unrhyw strategaeth sy'n ymwneud ag iechyd meddwl a materion cysylltiedig. Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys: 1. Cydnabod yr agwedd gymdeithasol

  3. Independent Professional Advocacy ENGLISH - March 2020.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales March 2020 Independent professional advocacy for adults under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 Supporting people to be informed, heard and involved 2 3 ... should then be referred to the service providing independent professional advocacy under the Act. Age Cymru’s Golden Thread Advocacy Programme (GTAP)10 has produced a more detailed resource on the role

  4. Developing a Social Prescribing Framework October 2022.pdf

    Consultation Response Developing a Social Prescribing Framework Welsh Government October 2022 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We ... welcome the focus on alleviating loneliness within the framework. In our recent survey1 37% of those aged 80 or over told us that they were isolated or lonely, with 37% of 65 to 79, and 27% of 50 to 64 year

  5. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    bit of help’ to remain active and independent. Key points Increasing demand  The number of people aged 85 and over (the group most likely to need care) has increased by 30 per cent between 2005 and 20142 ... from 2008/9. In 2005/6 15.3 per cent of people aged 65 and over received services. This proportion fell to 9.9 per cent in 2012/13.  896,000 people aged 65 and over received these services in 2012/13

  6. CRS_Oct16_Reporting_acting_on_child_abuse_and_neglect.pdf

    research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square London ... London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and

  7. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    All-Party Parliamentary Group for Ageing and Older People Ageing in rural areas Monday 30 January Chair Baroness Jolly Speakers David Emerson, chair, ACRE Susan Oliver, CEO at Humber and Wolds Rural Community ... Community Council Mervyn Kohler, Age UK Dr Kellie Payne, Learning and Research Manager, Campaign to End Loneliness Philip Talbot, Chief Executive, Age UK Herefordshire and Worcestershire Dr John Miles

  8. Advocacy Services in Denbighshire.pdf

    LAC, CIN or Care Leavers 0800 111 6880 CADMHAS- non statutory for ages 11 to 25 under Denbighshire's Families First Programme 01745 813999 Learning Difficulties ... Difficulties NWAAA - North Wales Advice and Advocacy Association 01248 670852 Age Cymru HOPE project Support for older people (50+) and carers 029 2043 1555

  9. Dentistry in Wales - August 2018.pdf

    Consultation response Dentistry in Wales Welsh Assembly August 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people ... for children and young people. However, we welcome the recognition on page 4 that: “Wales has an aging population with many older people now retaining natural teeth. Some have complex medical needs with

  10. Advocacy Newsletter October 2018 (Welsh)Final.pdf

    Pwysigrwydd Eiriolaeth 6 Drwy’r Rhaglen Edau Euraidd (GTAP), mae Age Cymru yn ddiweddar wedi cwblhau Pwysigrwydd Eiriolaeth 6, y 6ed adroddiad ar ddarpariaeth eiriolaeth i oedolion yng Nghymru gyda ... gyda phwyslais penodol ar bobl hŷn. Dros y 12 mis diwethaf, mae Age Cymru wedi bod yn adolygu pa wasanaethau sydd ar gael, materion ynghylch ariannu a chynaliadwyedd, ansawdd gwasanaethau a hyfforddi eiriolwyr

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