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  1. This is Older photography exhibition

    acclaimed photographer Jon Pountney, the This is Older exhibition goes on show at The National Library for Wales in Aberystwyth until 10 December 2021, as well as featuring in a permanent digital library. Celebrating ... be found in later life. The exhibition is being shown at the Gregynog Gallery, the National Library for Wales, Aberystwyth until 10 December 2021.  To book your free ticket, please visit the Library's

  2. Karen Wakelin Sharon Cole.pdf

    New Qualifications for Advocacy Cymwysterau Newydd ar gyfer Eiriolaeth Karen Wakelin (Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru / Social Care Wales) Sharon Cole (Coleg Gower College) www.socialcare ... Cefndir Background • Review of qualifications for health and social care and childcare by Qualifications Wales • New suite commissioned • Level 2 and 3 first teaching from September 2019

  3. About Project 360°

    reservists, or seen active service in the merchant navy for one day or more, and aged 65 or over. The project can also provide support and guidance for families and carers of eligible veterans. The project

  4. Income tax

    year and explains how to work out the amount of tax you should be paying. Planning for retirement: Money and tax For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  5. Human rights

    society such as fairness, dignity, equality and respect. They are an important means of protection for us all, especially those who may face abuse, neglect and isolation. Most importantly, these rights ... arguments to secure compensation for horrific treatment suffered by their relatives, such as not being given support to eat or drink or being left in soiled sheeting for hours. In many cases they were able

  6. Pay tribute to the life of a loved one

    we’ll be here.   We're always particularly grateful for these donations – thank you for thinking of Age Cymru and for considering donating in such a special way. Donating in memory is ... annual basis in memory of a loved one. Donate online Tribute fund An online tribute page is a great way for friends and family to celebrate and remember someone special. You can do many things with a tribute

  7. CRS_Jan15_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study_report.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... 3. We support the idea of a “switching box” (paragraph 9.29), particularly its use of large type for the essential numbers and short easy-to-understand explanations. 4. In addition to the remedies proposed

  8. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    (ewch i dudalen 42). Os oes gennych ganser, mae gan Gymorth Canser Macmillan lyfryn defnyddiol o’r enw Help gyda chost canser (ewch i dudalen 40). Camau nesaf Darganfyddwch beth arall y gallai fod gennych hawl ... Cyngor a chymorth i ofalwyr Os ydych chi’n gofalu am eich partner, ffrind neu berthynas y mae angen help arno/arni gan ei fod/bod yn sâl neu’n anabl, rydych chi’n ofalwr, hyd yn oed os nad ydych wedi meddwl

  9. Carers Guide FINAL (Cym).pdf

    pobl sy’n byw gyda dementia. Nod y canllaw hwn yw eich helpu i ateb rhai o’r cwestiynau mawr am gael help fel gofalwr – yr hyn y mae gennych hawl iddo, â phwy y dylech siarad, a pha gymorth arall sydd ar ... ymarferol gartref, grwpiau cymorth yn agos atoch chi, neu gwnsela i helpu i ddelio â straen • Cael help i ofalu amdanoch eich hun, gan gynnwys yr hawl i ofyn am weithio hyblyg gan eich cyflogwr neu drefnu

  10. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Perf_arts_W.pdf

    bobl eraill. Un ffordd hawdd o annog preswylwyr i berfformio straeon yw drwy roi stori syml fel y Fôr-forwyn Fechan iddyn nhw. Rhowch ddewis o brops i breswylwyr, fel defnydd lliw, cregyn neu wymon

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