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  1. Take Action Today-Poster English.pdf

    using or contact Age Cymru on 02920 431 555 for other exercise opportunities Stay Safe Is your home safe and warm and does it help you manage well? • Contact Care & Repair on 0300 111 3333

  2. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide - Welsh.pdf

  3. BigStep_Fundraising_Pack_Welsh.pdf

    Her Amgylchynu Cymru Pecyn Codi Arian Cymerwch Gam Mawr o amgylch Cymru 1-30 Medi 2022 Helpwch ni i wneud camau breision tuag at Gymru oed gyfeillgar Mewn partneriaeth â: 3 Archwiliwch lwybrau arfordirol prydferth Troediwch lwybrau hanesyddol Clawdd Off Ymunwch â Cham Mawr Age Cymru I greu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Cynnwys Dinbych-y-pysgod – De-orllewin Cymru Her Amgylchynu Cymru2 Cymerwch Gam Mawr o

  4. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide - English.pdf

  5. Advocacy Newsletter January 2017 English.pdf

    Advocacy Newsletter January 2017 Issue no. 3 Advocacy Counts 5          The Golden Thread Advocacy Programme would like to wish you a Happy New Year! Page 2 Understanding co-production ... Advocacy Service Providers and a Flourishing Social Value Sector develop a shared understanding of the common agenda, and to share and develop good practice. Page 7 Page 8 Recording Measurement

  6. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_cake labels.pdf

    Cake labels Age Cymru is a registered charity number: 1128436 Name of bake Name of bake Name of bake Price Price Price Name of baker Name of baker Name of baker Dietary info/allergens Dietary info/allergens

  7. Psychological or emotional abuse

    Possible signs of emotional / psychological abuse A carer or family member deliberately isolating the adult who needs care and support, and refusing without good reason to allow them to see other people ... personality (such as the person becoming extremely withdrawn and non-communicative or nonresponsive) Unusual self-comforting or self-harming behaviour (sucking, biting or rocking) The adult who needs care

  8. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    ( socialcareworkforce/2020/12/10/toolkit-for-reflection-on-human-rights-in-the-context-ofsocial-care.) Maent hefyd wedi cynhyrchu gweithgaredd myfyriol y gallwch roi cynnig arno ... canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn. Mae’r egwyddorion allweddol hyn yn cael eu benthyg o’r ddogfen ‘Getting In On The Act’, a ddatblygwyd gan Age Cymru, mewn partneriaeth ag Anabledd Cymru, Prifysgol Abertawe a’r cyn-Brif

  9. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    ataliol i ymdrin ag anghenion presennol nas bodlonwyd fod o fudd i fwy o bobl am gyfnod hwy ac am gost is yn y pen draw. Yn aml, bydd pobl hŷn sydd ag anghenion o ran gofal yn dibynnu ar aelodau’r teulu a ... erbyn 202117. Amcangyfrifir bod llai na 40% o bobl sydd â dementia yng Nghymru wedi’u diagnosio, sy’n is na chyfartaledd y DU18. Gall anawsterau o ran cael mynediad at wasanaethau gofal sylfaenol fod yn rhwystr

  10. Tell Me More Summary Report - Welsh.pdf

    Pen-y-Bont ar Ogwr Willowbrook House, Caerdydd College Fields, Y Barri Regency House, Pont-y-pŵl The Cottage, Yr Wyddgrug Hengoed Court, Abertawe Coed Craig, Bae Colwyn Plasgwyn Nursing Home, Criccieth ... --------------------------- Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House,

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