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  1. Information and Guidance Officer JD.pdf

    and/or advice and referring directly to Information and Advice Officers or arranging appointments for further support. • Referring clients who are seeking face to face advice or further support to appropriate ... every respect, but rather to clearly define the fundamental purpose, responsibilities and dimensions for the role. Therefore, this role description does not describe any individual role holder. • In addition

  2. Advance decisions (living wills)

    this might lead to your death. An advance decision is legally binding, which means that those caring for you must follow your instructions. However, it will only be used if you lose the capacity to make or ... treatment. An advance statement of wishes explains your likes and dislikes and anything that is important for you to be comfortable. An advance statement should be considered by all those involved in your care

  3. What do executors do

    Whether you’re an executor for someone’s estate, or you’re looking to choose executors for your own will, it can seem complicated and confusing. An executor is a person named in a will who sorts out the ... executor will charge for their services and this will be paid for out of your estate. If you’re the executor of the estate you’ll have a number of responsibilities, such as: applying for probate valuing the

  4. Forum Resource Manual

    agendas and shape how communities work together. Age Cymru has developed the Forum Resource Manual to help forums and groups to develop and grow. The Manual looks at the background of the forum movement, provides

  5. Sign-up to receive a friendship call

    register for a friendship call. If you're experiencing any problems with the form below, please go direct to the sign-up form  If you'd prefer, there is a Word document at the bottom of the page for you

  6. Public policy statements

    process and cover a detailed review of evidence, a summary of our views and ‘key calls’ for policy change. They are developed in consultation with older people and our local partners, and each

  7. Defence discount card

    The Defence Discount Service provides discounts both online and on the high street for members of the Armed Forces, Veterans and Armed Forces Community. Defence Discount Service is home of the Defence

  8. Annuities

    annuity). An annuity converts your savings into an annual pension, giving you a guaranteed income for life, or a specified period. You don’t have to purchase an annuity if you don’t want to. Instead, if ... if you have been a member of a defined contribution pension scheme, you have various options for your pension pot . These other options may affect your decision about whether to buy an annuity, so consider

  9. This is Older Image Library tender document CYMRAEG.pdf

    Cymru yw’r elusen genedlaethol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru a’r grym sy’n cyfuno Age Concern Cymru a Help the Aged yng Nghymru. Mae’r elusen yn gweithio’n genedlaethol ac yn lleol i wella bywyd pob person

  10. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter May 2021.pdf

    ofal rhywun annwyl iddynt? Neu efallai eu bod am wybod a ydynt yn gymwys am Gredyd Pensiwn ac eisiau help i'w hawlio? Gall Cyngor Age Cymru gynorthwyo gyda'r holl faterion hyn, a mwy - ffoniwch ni heddiw

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