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  1. Nordic Walking

    Nordic Walking is one of Europe's fastest growing forms of physical activity and is a great way of staying healthy. You walk using a pair of specially designed, lightweight poles that provide additional ... additional support meaning you get more from the exercise. Nordic Walking provides a numbers of benefits above that of normal walking. It exercises 90% of your muscles increasing strength in your legs

  2. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Cym.pdf

    Nghymru sydd yn gymwys i dderbyn Credyd Pensiwn, yn ei hawlio. Independent Age (2019) Credit where it’s due: Ending the £3.5 billion Pension Credit scandal report: 26 June 2019 https://independent-age-assets

  3. Save on water bills

    Income-related Employment and Support Allowance), you may be eligible for the WaterSure scheme . If you get water from Dŵr Cymru, the list also includes Attendance Allowance (AA), Disability Living Allowance ... AA.   If you are on the WaterSure scheme, your bill is capped at a lower amount, regardless of how much water you use. The Priority Services Register   is a free service provided by utility

  4. Various housing issues

    and are looking to move somewhere new, or perhaps you’re considering renting a property for the first time. Our following factsheets have useful information on this topic. We also have a factsheet ... you like. However, it’s important to understand the legal and financial implications of buying one. You’ll own the home itself, but pay rent to the site owner for your pitch (a ‘pitch fee’) and there

  5. Dental services for older people

    Looking after your teeth and gums is important at any age. Even if you feel there’s nothing wrong, it’s still important to visit your dentist regularly. If you’re on certain benefits you can receive free ... free NHS treatment and may also be eligible for help through the NHS low income scheme . Our Factsheets below contain further information:  For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44

  6. LIFT - Low Impact Functional Training

    done physical activity for a while, you may want to get the all clear from the doctor before starting. LIFT – Low Impact Functional Training is a series of exercises to keep older people active, it ... Training is suitable for everyone and can be followed both seated and standing. If you're using a chair make sure it's stable, solid and without wheels. You should be able to sit with feet flat on the floor

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Ethnic_minorities_Gypsies_and_Travellers.pdf

    Demographic overview The ethnic minority populations of the United Kingdom are heterogeneous with widely different individual group characteristics. However, for England and Wales, the ethnic minority populations ... younger than the majority White British population with the notable exceptions of the White Irish and Black Caribbean ethnic groups.1 [Table 1] The smallest pre-identified ethnic minority group in the 2011 census

  8. 20170203Loneliness - evidencetoHSCScommittee.pdf

    Health, Social Care and Sport Committee March 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able ... access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We

  9. Public policy statements

    Cymru produces public policy statements which outline major issues affecting older people in Wales. The statements are produced using a detailed review process and cover a detailed review of evidence, a ... change. They are developed in consultation with older people and our local partners, and each statement is reviewed at least every three years.

  10. RB_July17_Testing_Promising_Approaches_Technical_Annex.pdf

    July 2017 1. Introduction Loneliness is a profoundly personal and painful experience and can leave people feeling completely hopeless. For many people this feeling is short lived as life moves on, but for ... for some loneliness can become chronic. The feeling of chronic loneliness can make people feel miserable and loose self-confidence, which itself can make it increasingly difficult to build meaningful relationships

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