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  1. Help an older person this Winter

    get the healthcare they need. If you're worried about doing an online consultation, everyone should be able to get a face to face appointment with their GP if they need one Encourage everyone to look after ... Popping out to run a few errands or doing an online shop could be a big help to someone Check their home is warm enough.  We'll all likely be spending more time at home this winter meaning higher heating

  2. Warm Up Exercises.pdf

    Mobilisers – slow movements All of the following moves can be done in a standing or seated position. Fingers and thumbs  Finger to thumb o Press each finger to the thumb in turn, then reverse  Clench

  3. Human rights project

    Wales, allowing them to explore issues that are important to them developed an advocacy toolkit to be used by older people and anyone who advocates on behalf of older people. We hope that it helps to support ... their rights. We’re pleased to be working with Welsh Government to raise awareness of rights among older people and to help them understand where and when they can be used. We all have the right to live

  4. EnvisAGE

    veterans. Claire Morgan and Jane Healey of Carers Wales highlight how the health of unpaid carers can be negatively impacted by their caring role. The article by Sara Walters features the Roots to Recovery

  5. Arts in Care Homes

    Embedding arts and cultural activities in every care home in Wales: Why they are vital, and how it can be done   Executive Summary - Arts in Care Homes Policy Paper: Embedding arts and cultural activities

  6. Coping with bereavement

    When you’re bereaved, you have to cope with a world that can feel as if it’s fallen apart.

  7. Advocacy

    Age Cymru runs an advocacy project to help people participate and engage

  8. EnvisAGE14_cymraeg_web.pdf

    Lluoedd Arfog, yn ei hawlio. Yn ôl y Forces Pension Society, amcangyfrifir bod ychydig filoedd o gyn-filwyr ar eu colled ledled y DU. Dywed y Forces Pension Society, sydd wedi helpu 3,800 o gyn-filwyr ... rhad ac am ddim yr arferai’r Gwasanaeth Cynghori Ariannol, y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Bensiynau a Pension Wise eu darparu. Mae MaPS yn gorff hyd braich a noddir gan yr Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau, ac mae’n

  9. Advocacy NewsletterMarch 2018 English.pdf

    Part 2 Goodbye…      Page 2 The Role of Advocacy in Relation to Well-being Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

  10. Advocacy Newsletter March Welsh 2020.pdf

    Lywodraeth Cymru. Prosiect HOPE Helping Others Participate and Engage will be starting in April 2020 and more information will be available about this in the coming months. Adnoddau Age Cymru Cliciwch

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