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  1. Age Matters

    Age Matters is the quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru

  2. Loneliness

    Age Cymru are here to help those overcome loneliness. Find out what causes loneliness here and how to help tackle the problem.

  3. Care homes

    Advice on how find a good care home, how to pay for residential care, and what to consider before you move into a care home.

  4. Rebecca Phillips - Volunteer Officer

    Meet Rebecca Phillips, Age Cymru's Volunteer Officer and find out what her roles involved and how it makes a difference to older people in Wales.

  5. RB_April17_Guidance--Sample_Size_Estimation_for_Qualitative_Methods.pdf

    -------------- The purpose of qualitative research methods is to look for meaning (i.e. to understand the why and how behind things). It is therefore about developing richness in data based on an in-depth ... representativeness which is the preserve of quantitative research methods. The sample of people or situations required for qualitative research methods is therefore small in number (relative to the sample

  6. 20171901Chargingforcareandsupport.pdf

    Charging for care and support – new regulations Welsh Government January 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe ... that you would wish to make Welsh Government aware of? Paying for residential care in later life is a cause of concern for many older people wishing to pass on a financial legacy to the next generation

  7. MCR - SP Male case story.pdf

    person Ideally this is 100 - 150 words summarising: • where the older person was before ( not employed/ employed /in need of support), • what they did with the Age at Work programme • what happened as a result ... 1. A 55 year old, employed male attended both of the Mid-Career Review webinars. At present, he is balancing the need to finish paying off his mortgage while wanting to contribute as much as he can

  8. Coivd-19 Survey_v2.pdf

    This survey is a follow up to the survey we undertook in Summer 2020 for people aged 50 or over across Wales, and is being undertaken by key organisations that represent older people. It is important that ... the impact that this has made on them. This survey will take 15 minutes to complete. Your response is anonymous. Thank you for your support in completing this survey. A. Lockdown A1. During the lockdowns

  9. Helen Mock

    training as a Lift Leader. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? Given me more self confidence in myself and my ability to talk to and lead a group. What do you enjoy most about your ... experience? Making friends with people I would not normally come in contact with. What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming involved with volunteering? Do it!! It can be a bit of a bind

  10. Tracey Davies

    Instructor Why did you want to volunteer with Age Cymru? I wanted to volunteer in some capacity following my retirement but it had to be the right role. I wanted an element of caring and improvement and was struggling ... an advert from Age Cymru looking for volunteers to teach Tai Chi I knew I had found exactly what I wanted. What difference to your life has volunteering made to you? As well as introducing me to Tai Chi

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