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  1. Eatwell_guide_colour.pdf

    2016 Use the Eatwell Guide to help you get a balance of healthier and more sustainable food. It shows how much of what you eat overall should come from each food group. Eatwell Guide 2000kcal 2500kcal

  2. GIFTS_guide.pdf

    July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Age UK Grants Management System – GIFTS Online System Guide for Applicants and Grantees July 2018 v1.4 - July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Introduction

  3. RB_2013_Falls_Prevention_Guide.pdf

    date Contact Author Web Acknowledgements Description Researchers and editors Contents 1 Why this guide? 4 Falls: the facts 4 2 Background 5 3 What is the evidence for falls prevention exercise? 7 Summary ... practice 14 Evidence in practice: service examples 15 6 Conclusion 20 7 Bibliography 21 Why this guide? Falls prevention exercise has been proven to be extremely effective in reducing falls. It plays an

  4. Good Practice Guide v4.pdf

    count A helpful guide for families, unpaid carers and care staff supporting a person moving to live in a care home. 2 Age Cymru: Making relationships count Introduction This guide focuses on the practical ... experts in the care of the person they care for. It also provides insights from care home staff. This guide will: • Share some supportive strategies to ensure the best transition possible • Share real life

  5. Carers Guide FINAL (Cym).pdf

    Taflen Wybodaeth 34: Lwfans Gweini - globalassets/age-cymru/documents/information-guides-and-factsheets/fs34.pdf Lwfans Gofalwr Lwfans Gofalwyr yw’r prif fudd-dal i ofalwyr, a gallech dderbyn ... Cymru ar Lwfans Gofalwr: https://www.ageuk. fs55.pdf Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru 13 Cymorth gyda’r

  6. Carers Guide ENG (Jan 23).pdf

    A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales A guide for identifying, signposting, and supporting older carers in Wales Creating an age friendly Wales 2 A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers ... Wales 28 • West Wales 31 • South Wales 33 Further sources 38 Further sources A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales 3 Introduction to Age Cymru’s Carers Project Do you look after

  7. Carers Guide FINAL (Eng).pdf

    A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales A guide for identifying, signposting, and supporting older carers in Wales Creating an age friendly Wales 2 A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers ... Wales 28 • West Wales 31 • South Wales 33 Further sources 38 Further sources A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales 3 Introduction to Age Cymru’s Carers Project Do you look after

  8. GIFTS_system_guide v1 4.pdf

    July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Age UK Grants Management System – GIFTS Online System Guide for Applicants and Grantees July 2018 v1.4 - July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Introduction

  9. Good Practice Guide WELSH v4.pdf

    cartref gofal neu aelod allweddol o staff • Galwad ffôn cyson • Llwyfan rithiol fel FaceTime, Skype neu Zoom • Drwy Gyfryngau Cymdeithasol - Facebook/Twitter/Instagram Gofynnwch am gael cyfrannu at y cynllun

  10. Carers Guide (Eng) Nov 22.pdf

    A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales A guide for identifying, signposting, and supporting older carers in Wales Creating an age friendly Wales 2 A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers ... Wales 28 • West Wales 31 • South Wales 33 Further sources 38 Further sources A One-Stop-Shop Guide for Older Carers in Wales 3 Introduction to Age Cymru’s Carers Project Do you look after

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