Age UK Coventry & Warwickshire is committed to being there for older people. With a gift to us in your will, you will be supporting us to make life better for older people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Find out more
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  • The Gilbert Richards Centre, Coventry.

    The Centre offers a wide variety of activities to interest you and provide friendship and fun. Many are in group settings with a leader.

    Activities Include:

    • A wide variety of arts and crafts including pottery, sculpture, painting in oils and watercolours, knitting, sewing.
    • Wood working for beginners and the more skilled.
    • Computer & IT sessions.

    The Centre is wheelchair friendly.

    Find us: here

    What's on: here

    Contact Us:

    Tel: 02476 672911


    Online Enquiry: here

    Can you help us?

    The Centre relies on the goodwill and enthusiasm of volunteers. If you can help us with running new and existing sessions or in the office, we'd love to hear from you. Find out more about volunteering here

  • The Claremont Centre, Rugby.

    Men In Sheds.

    Every Wednesday, 10.00AM- 3.00PM.

    Find us: here

    For initial enquiries contact us: 

    Tel: 02476 231 999
