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Age UK Barnet run short weekly group walks for older people in parks and open spaces across the London Borough of Barnet. This role is to lead or assist with organising and running these walks. Where possible walks will start or finish at a café so the group can socialise and have some refreshments as part of the activity.

What does the role involve?

Planning walk routes, leading walks with another volunteer, registering clients and collecting payment, assisting with monitoring and user involvement forms.

What you will get out of it 

  • It's a great way to make a difference to a local charity that supports older people
  • You get to be part of Age UK Barnet's volunteer team
  • It's a great way to make a real difference to someone's life
  • You'll be giving something to your community
  • Volunteers tell us they find it really rewarding

What is expected of me?

We are looking for people to offer between 3-4 hours a week of their time to support a walk. Volunteers will also need to have half a day's training.

Role profile and application form

Please contact Lisa Robbins, Volunteering Manager on 020 8432 1422 or email to discuss the role before sending your application.

Walking Group Volunteer.doc

Age UK Barnet Volunteer Application Form