Independent Living Service (formerly Home From Hospital)

- Location: Age UK York
- Price: Free
Age UK York
St.Edmund's House, Margaret Street
North Yorkshire
YO10 4UX
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01904 726191
Our Independent Living service offers short-term support intended to reduce hospital admissions and enable people to remain active in their community.
What the service offers
Independent Living offers a range of support tailored to client needs. This might include:
• Escort you home and settle you in following hospital discharge
• Do light house tasks
• Collect your prescriptions
• Liaise with health and social care professionals
• Provide help with shopping including on your day of discharge
• Take you to GP or Hospital appointments
• Take you for a short outing (where appropriate)
• Call in for a chat
• Ensure that you have the services and equipment you require
• Check that you are recovering well
• Take you for a short walk or to catch a bus
• Support you to get active in your community
More details
You can find download a service leaflet using the link below.