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Household Support Fund

  • Location: Age UK Wyvern
  • Price: Free
Call 0330 164 7006 for more info

A fund has been granted by the Government to help pensioners during this very difficult economic period. We are currently working with Worcestershire & Herefordshire County Councils to distribute payments and vouchers to those who are eligible.

I live in Worcestershire - am I eligible?

You may be eligible if:

• you are a pensioner NOT in receipt of Pension Credit.
• you have a disability or a long-term health condition (including those requiring the use of medical equipment which requires increases energy use), of any age, and carers of any age.

You may be eligible for more than 1 payment if you fit the criteria. Payments are per household, not per individual.

Please contact us to find out if you are eligible.

I live in Herefordshire - am I eligible?

You may be eligible to a grocery voucher to the value of £100 for single occupancy households, or £150 for couples:

• below £21,000 income for single households, or below £28,000 for couple households excluding non means tested benefits, such as Attendance Allowance
• those receiving Pension Credit
• those receiving Housing Benefit and Council Tax relief, but not Pension Credit

Please contact us to find out if you are eligible.

Could you be entitled to more?

We know that money matters. So did you know that you could be eligible for some extra benefits? We can help you check your eligibility and help you get what you're entitled to.

Find out more by using the link below:

Home Energy Checks

We all know that winter happens every year. But with increasingly unpredictable weather, it's important to think about getting ready for winter in advance.

We have secured funding to support the most vulnerable people with a FREE Home Energy Check.

Find out more by using the link below:

How can you contact us?

Please do contact us on any of the following methods.

• 0330 164 7006

• Use the link below to contact us online