Upcoming events
Upcoming events
Community Information Sessions
Pop in and see the team for a warm welcome and who are on hand to provide information and support for pensioners across Herefordshire.
Sheds Together Pop-Up Sessions
Get involved in our Sheds Together pop-up sessions, where you can take part in a wide range of DIY and crafting activities.
Pershore Allotment Open Day
Our Pershore Allotment will be holding an event to showcase their plot and appeal to new members and volunteers. Get involved with potato planting at a welcoming place to meet new people, learn and share skills.
Worcester Volunteer Expo
We will be at the Worcester volunteer expo in June. Pop along to speak with Juliette, our lovely volunteering coordinator, to discuss all of our volunteering opportunities and how you can be the difference.
Past events
Find out what we have been up to in our past fundraising events. Detailing information about each event, the funds raised for our cause and celebrating the participants and fundraisers for their incredible work!
Contact us
We are here to help you. Visit our contact us page to find all the ways you can get in touch with Age UK Wyvern.
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Our services
How can we help you? We provide vital services for older people across Herefordshire & South Worcestershire.
Activities & events
Looking to join one of our social clubs, join us at a coffee morning or take part in one of our shed projects?