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A Digital Inclusion Story

Published on 23 June 2023 11:00 AM

Eve Robertson - A Digital Inclusion Story

A local author who spent 18 months under Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills' Digital Inclusion service, learning new skills and developing existing ones, tells of her experience of the service.

Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills are proud to share a wonderful success story and testimony from Eve Robertson. A local author who had been struggling to get to grips with the ever-changing world of technology. 

Our Digital Champions supported Eve for around 18 months; helping her gain confidence, understanding and independence with using technology. The hands-on support provided by our Digital Champions helped her learn new skills and master existing ones, contributing to Eve being able to finish writing and then publishing her book - The Final Clue. 

In Eve's words

"As a local author, who has published the Final Clue on Amazon recently, I am writing to say how helpful I have found the assistance given by Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills; providing their encouragement and support in instructing me on IT skills, which I have not found easy to keep abreast with".  

"I have attended lessons on a regular basis, over 18 months, and I find in this ever-changing world of technology, that their assistance has been invaluable".

"As a regular recipient of instruction from the Digital Champions, I have always found their tuition enormously helpful; aiding me in computer usage. As such, it has always been hard for me to master replying to emails and getting used to the layout of the screen".  

"During COVID, I retrieved an old manuscript of mine called the Final Clue, a work of historical fiction based between 1935 to 47. It portrays a glimpse of pre-war motor racing, farm and village life and the war years".

"Through my tuition, I was then able to use skills I was taught to bring it together. Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills offer a wonderful range of services and I give the team my grateful thanks. What I say to others that may have never used technology or steer clear from it, have a go, and learn a new skill. Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills are here to support you throughout".

Eve Roberston

The Final Clue

So, what is the book all about? Here is what Eve has said about the book:

"It’s a first edition about a young boy who grows up on a farm in a Leicestershire village pre second world war, who becomes drawn into a field of motorsport at Donnington, and the glamourous races of the Grand Prix’s of that era with its flamboyant drivers who came from Europe and beyond". 

"A myth arose that after the final GP of 38, one car failed to return to mainland Europe. Read how the story unravels during the second world war and how the grandfather’s Jewish connections influences their lives".

"Can the Final Clue provide the answer? I hope you will enjoy it".

The Final Clue is available for purchase on Amazon UK, both in paperback and digital formats:  

Our Digital Inclusion Support

  • Computer Classes

    We offer computer classes for older people who are looking to start using a computer for the first time or are looking to improve their skill set further.

    Make the most out of technology

    • Bespoke training on laptops, tablets, and smartphones
    • No confusing techy talk with our training
    • No set course - start, finish, and progress at a rate comfortable to you
    • Each session is 60 minutes long
    • Equipment is available - you need not bring anything unless you'd prefer to
    • And more...

    Find out more 

  • Tablet Loan Scheme

    Are you interested in exploring what the internet has to offer, but do not have the technology to do so? Our Tablet Loan Scheme is perfect to enable you to explore the internet at your own pace.

    Register for a FREE tablet loan, which for 6-8 weeks can provide you with:

    • A tablet computer
    • An internet connection
    • Tailored one-to-one support / tuition from an expert Digital Champions
    • Peripheral aids for those who may be living with hearing, sight or dexterity conditions

    Find out more 

Volunteer as a Digital Champion

A volunteer Computer Tutor / Digital Champion is someone who is trained and supported to inspire others to get online and can spend some time showing them how.

Providing 1-1, bespoke computer tutoring for as little as a couple of hours per week and helping to create a warm and friendly environment at our classes.

Volunteer today

Contact us

We are here to help you. Visit our contact us page to find all the ways you can get in touch with Age UK Wyvern.