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Loneliness Awareness Week 2021

Published on 18 June 2021 08:00 AM

Loneliness Awareness Week 2021 is here and we are proud to highlight the work we do to combat loneliness in the Worcester & Malvern Hills areas.

Enjoy Digital Dance

Here is a short clip of 'Not So Alone', choreographed & danced by our own enJOY Digital Dance group. Over the last 8 weeks, participants explored movements that unlock personal feelings of when we digitally & creatively connect to others when feeling lonely.

Find out more about Enjoy Digital Dance

Companionship & Bereavementbereavement_hero.png

Did you know that we provide companionship & bereavement support? Friendship & a listening ear can have such positive impacts in a person’s life. You are not alone, we are here when you need us.

Our companionship & bereavement services use friendly volunteer befrienders. A befriender calls or visits a lonely older person regularly for a chat, a cuppa, to reminisce & share interests/activities.

Find out more

Good Neighbour Network

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The heart of the Malvern Hills Good Neighbour network is Neighbours helping Neighbours

There are over 21 networks across the district where willing volunteers support their neighbours with practical needs. Helping practically has enabled volunteers to see hidden needs such as loneliness and isolation within a neighbour’s life and joined them to make steps to combat it.

Everyone has the potential to help others in their community. Through helping it can even contribute to feeling more connected to your community and tackle any feelings of loneliness in your own life.

To find your nearest Good Neighbour Network click here or email

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With lockdown restrictions eased, it is becoming more and more evident how isolated and lonely older people have been.

Hence, we are delighted to introduce Kirsty Hughes, our new Dementia Meeting Centre Manager who is excited to announce the launch our 4 Dementia Meeting Centres .

Kirsty says, “I hope that these centres will provide a connected community where we help combat loneliness that our members and their carers have felt recently".

From 21st June 2021, we will be launching our 4 Dementia Meeting Centres across Worcester and Malvern Hills. 

Find out more

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Let us stay connected through creativity to combat loneliness

Creative Friends intergenerational project was launched to support individuals to stay connected to others through creativity to combat loneliness, even from a distance during the recent lockdown.

Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills clients and Worcester University Occupational Therapy students were paired up to become Creative Friends, who only communicated with one another through art. With creative support from Spare Room Arts, participants were given 5 months to explore the theme of ‘Outside my window’ to create a bespoke piece of art for their Creative Friend.

Our Health and Wellbeing Coordinator says “Tackling loneliness within a person’s life is always important but now more than over. Providing companionship through creativity has allowed our Creative Friends to have a greater sense of belonging, purpose and meaning while they stayed at home during the pandemic".

Find out more

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