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Befriending & Bereavement Support

  • Location: Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities
  • Price: Free
Call 01905 724294 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities
Bank House
7 Shaw Street
United Kingdom

Telephone: 01905 724294

1.2 million older people across the UK often feel lonely or isolated at home. If you are feeling lonely, you are not alone, we are here for you.

The chances are, there is an older person in your community that is feeling lonely or isolated at home. These older people are experiencing difficult circumstances that are all too real. But no one should have to feel alone.

What is Befriending?

Befriending is the act of visiting an older person, who may be lonely or isolated at home.

Befriending provides companionship to lonely or isolated older people who best need it and help provide a crucial link to the outside world.

It is important that we provide encouragement and support for clients to participate in local activities and help them develop new relationships.

What is our Bereavement Support?

Coping with the loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things we ever have to deal with. That is why we are offering friendship and support to those who are experiencing loss, as an extension to our established Befriending Service (above).

What can you expect?

Our volunteer befrienders can provide:
• Regular face-to-face visiting
• Weekly telephone calls
• Companionship and a friendly voice to catch up on any news or discuss your hobbies
• Company to a local shop, activity, or cafe (at befrienders discretion)
• Discuss other ways we can help you or discover what opportunities may be available in the local community

Our bereavement support can provide:
• Trusted volunteers, providing a listening ear and a friendly voice
• Regular home visits and/or telephone calls
• Links to other Age UK Worcester & Malvern Hills services

Become a befriender

Become a volunteer befriender of an older person and help us tackle loneliness. Complete our easy online application form today.

How can you contact us?

Please do contact us on any of the following methods.

• 01905 724294 (Worcester)
• 01684 560666 (Malvern)
• 0333 0066 299 (Herefordshire)

• Use the link below to contact us online