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Our services

We continue to deliver vital support services to help older people across Worcester, Malvern Hills & Herefordshire.

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Befriending & Bereavement Support

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

1.2 million older people across the UK often feel lonely or isolated at home. If you are feeling lonely, you are not alone, we are here for you.

The chances are, there is an older person in your community that is feeling lonely or isolated at…

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities

Information & Advice

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

Our expert advisors are trained on a number of topics so that we can best help support you and your needs.

Our aim is to provide you with the facts, so that you can make choices and decisions knowing that you have reliable information.

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities

Money & Benefits

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

We know that money matters. So did you know that you could be eligible for some extra benefits? We can help you check your eligibility and help you get what you're entitled to.

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities

Digital Inclusion

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

Are you struggling with technology?

You are not alone in being ‘offline’, as latest figures show that 35% of adults aged between 50 and 70 and 70% of over 70s are in the same boat. Being excluded can often lead to feelings of isolation and…

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities

Foot Care

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

We provide regular foot care clinics and our self-employed, qualified professional associates can provide a home visiting service, for our clients.

Our clinics will provide basic level care, including nail clipping and filing, at a small…

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities

Later Life Planning (Legal Advice Signposting)

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

We know that planning for later life can be daunting and overwhelming. As part of this service our advisors can point you in the right direction for both types of Lasting Power of Attorney, Will writing and funeral planning.

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities

Wheelchair Hire

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

We can provide you with a short term, wheelchair rental, designed to help and encourage extended independent living for older people in the Worcester & Malvern Hills areas. We can also provide a range of walkers and frames, of various shapes and…

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities

Worcestershire Community Dementia Support

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities service

Living with dementia can bring many challenges, including feelings of loneliness and isolation. Our Community Support Service is here to help you stay connected, and to help you continue doing the things you enjoy.

We understand the importance…

Age UK Worcester, Malvern Hills & Hereford Localities


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