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Flood Support Funding

Published on 27 February 2020 12:37 PM

Registration for Flood Support Funding

If your property or business was flooded as a result of Storm Dennis then there is money available to support you.

Qualifying criteria for residential properties

  • The grant is for £500 and paid direct to the household.
  • Households are eligible where flood water has entered the habitable areas of the property, or the residence is considered unliveable for any period of time due to flooding.
  • The grant does not apply to empty homes, second homes or student accommodation.

Flood recovery grant application form

Qualifying criteria for businesses

  • The grant is up to £2,500 per small / medium sized business affected, as a grant paid direct to the business.
  • Businesses are eligible where the business has suffered severe impacts, either directly or a loss of trade, as a result of the flooding that cannot be recovered from insurance.

Business flood recovery grant application form

Council tax and business rate relief

Resilience grant

  • Properties and business can apply for up to £5,000 to help make them more resilient to future flooding.
  • Worcester City Council is currently finalising the details of this grant with Central Government. Further details will follow in due course.

Clean up

Public Health England offers the following general safety advice on how to clean up after a flood.

  • Make sure there is good ventilation if you are using portable indoor heating appliances to dry out indoor spaces
  • Do not use petrol or diesel generators indoors: the exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide which can kill
  • If you come into contact with flood water then wash your hands regularly.
  • Do not let children play in flood water

More information on how to clean up safely after a flood is available on the Government's website.

If your home or property has been flooded it could be contaminated by oil, silt and sewage. This will need to be carefully and completely cleaned up to remove any health risk.

Contact your GP immediately if you think your health has been affected.

The Environment Agency has information about cleaning your house as well as details of organisations that can help you do this. National Health England also has a useful leaflet on how to clean up after a flood (PDF).

If you are worried about the security of your property call West Mercia Police.

Reusing and disposing of sandbags

Dry out sandbags and store them in a shed, garage or under cover so you can use them again. If you cannot store them, open them up and spread the sand on your garden if you have one. You can then treat the sacks as normal waste. If the sand or bags are contaminated, please dispose of them responsibly.

Emotional support

Having a flooded home is very stressful. If you need emotional support, contact family and friends, your doctor or an organisation like the Red Cross or the Samaritans.

Public Health England also offers a guide to mental wellbeing after a flood.

Further advice

The National Flood Forum is a charity that offers advice and support to people affected by flooding. You can call them on 01299 403 055.