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Our happy knitters

Published on 23 October 2019 11:37 AM

Happy knitters at Age UK Worcester!

It was recently revealed that Age UK have amassed a grand total of 1.5 million hats for this years Big Knit campaign. Our wonderful craft club (and others) managed to contribute around 7500 beautiful little hats towards this grand total. We thank each and every one of you for helping us achieve our target this year and also helping bolster the nationwide total. The work never stops though! Our craft club are already starting to create more hats in preperation for next year! 

The hats will go on top of Innocent Smoothie Drinks throughout November so keep your eyes peeled for those beauties in stores. Don't forget, for every drink sold Innocent Drinks will donate 25p to Age UK!

Hats off to all your brilliant knitters out there!

Fancy yourself as a knitter?

We meet every Tuesday at Age UK Worcester, so why not come along to our craft club and have a knit and a natter with us?

Join our club