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Brand new service launched

Published on 24 October 2019 11:37 AM

Brand new foot care service launched!

Waiting lists for foot care are very lengthy within the city of Worcester. We aim to make it easier for our clients to receive the foot care they need, with reduced waiting times. Because of this we've launched a brand new foot care service for our clients within Worcester & District. 

The service allows clients to visit the clinic to a have basic foot care provided for them at a low cost. The clinic is designed to help those who may not be able to do this themselves to get the care they need. We're providing nail cutting, clipping, filing and much more.

Clare Thomas, CEO of Age UK Worcester & District said:

"We recognise how important it is for clients in Worcester & District to get the basic foot care that they need. We've recognised how lenghty and costly it is for older people in Worcester to get the foot care they need, which is why we've introduced our own, low cost service. We're aiming to reduce waiting times and make it much easier for older people in Worcester to get foot care. We have a brilliant foot care practitioner at the clinic, who has been running a similar service in the Malvern Hills area with great success."

"I'm really excited to have these clinics up and running. It's been a goal of mine to offer this service since I arrived and now we can finally say, yes, we do foot care."

For more information visit our Foot Care page or call us on 01905 724294. 

Are you interested?

Visit our foot care page for the next clinic times and how you can register your place at the clinic.