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Big Knit hat totals are in

Published on 24 July 2019 11:37 AM

Huge haul of hats sent for this years Big Knit!

We've asked and asked and asked you knitters out there to help us by kitting little tiny hats to top off Innocent Smoothie Drinks for this years Big Knit campaign. As we're fast approaching the deadline date, so far we've sent in a total of 7400 hats! WOW! And to top things off (see what we did there?) we're still receiving extra hats in each day.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us reach this total. Whether you knitted one, a dozen or hundreds for us, you're a hero and we want you to know just how much it is appreciated! Speical thanks go out to our craft club, they enjoy nothing more than to have a knit and a natter. Their dedication to this campaign is highly impressive and they've contributed hugely to the current total. Why not join them?

The deadline for hats is 31st July so keep sending them in, it's not too late! 

Plese send your hats to: Age UK Worcester & District, Bank House, 7 Shaw Street, Worcester, WR1 3QQ.

Fancy yourself as a social knitter?

Come along to our craft where we love nothing more than knitting and nattering.