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Sign our petition to save free TV

Older man at home

Published on 01 December 2018 12:37 PM

Help us save free TV

For over a million of our oldest citizens the TV is their constant companion and window on the world. And now it’s under threat.

The BBC is considering removing free TV licences from the over-75s.  But this is really the Government’s doing: they pushed the scheme onto the BBC without asking any of us what we think or providing the funding to sustain it.

We want to make sure as many people as possible tell the BBC how important they think the right to a free TV license is for people aged over 75. Together, we must demand the Government takes back responsibility for funding free TV licences for everyone over 75.

Could you spare 5 minutes to help us save free TV for older people?

Sign our petition today

Abolishing this concession would have a serious impact on older people who rely on their TV. Sign our petition today!