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Thriving lunch club needs help!

Published on 01 December 2018 12:37 PM

Bilford Court needs you.

Age UK Worceter and District runs a thriving lunch club every Wednesday at Bilford Court in Blackpole. 

Between 30 and 40 diners are able to enjoy a freshly cooked two course meal in the company of other’s. As one member says “this is much more than me being able to have a lovely cooked meal at very low cost. I spend the rest of the week eating alone. Not only do I find this very lonely as meal times for me used to be family times, but I can’t really find the energy to cook properly for myself. Here I can eat with other people, many of whom have become my friends”.

The club is run by dedicated volunteers and a cook – who has loyally been providing lunches for 5 years. Sadly she has had to leave rather suddenly which means that the club is suspended. “We are very upset says one member – this is a lifeline to me”.

Age UK are urgently trying to find a new cook (on a paid basis), who enjoys shopping and cooking and enjoying the friendly atmosphere of the club.

As Clare Thomas, CEO of Age UK Worcester says :

“The Bilford Court lunch club is just one of our social and lunch clubs, but is a vital services for those who live in the area. Our other clubs are just too far away for members to relocate to. We urgently need to find a replacement cook”

We need your help

For more information or if you would like to become Bilford Court's new cook, please get in touch with us ASAP!