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Join us at our coffee morning

Published on 01 December 2017 12:37 PM

Join us at Legal concerns themed coffee morning.

Yes it is that time again, mark your diaries because our next coffee morning is fast approaching. Once we are back from filling our bellies over the Christmas period and welcoming in the new year, we'll be readying for our next coffee morning. As you may have guessed, this one will be themed around Legal concerns, where our expert advisor John Owens will be available to provide free expert advice. He will be able to help you with protecting your home & assetts, making a lasting power of attorney and planning your will just to name a few. 

That's not all! We will always be proving general information & advice you may need including benefit checks, welfare, social care, local tradesmen, help at home and staying fit and helthy. Information regarding any of our other services will also be available upon request. 

And... It wouldn't be a coffee morning without free coffee, tea, hot chocolate and biscuits. 

So mark 24th January 2018 in your diaries and we'll look forward to seeing you then!