How we have helped
Age UK Comfort Dolls, lovingly made by our team of talented volunteers have been donated to people with dementia, last year Maria Duckhouse (above) received one of our dolls, and quickly fell in love.
Aswell as finding homes with individuals around the Wolverhampton area, our dolls also makes friends with residents of:
New Cross Hospital
Cedar Grange Care Home
MHA Waterside House Residential Dementia Care Home
Lime Tree Care Home
Mill House Care Home
Newbridge Care Home
Newcross Care Home
Primrose Hill Nursing Home
Our volunteers also make:
TWIDDLE MUFFS - which occupy the hands and have a calming effect on dementia suffers.
We greatly appreciate the time and commitment our volunteers make to such projects.
If you would like to join our friendly our Craft Club you can find out more here.