Carer Support

We run our carer support service to help try and take some of the strain through both practical and emotional support. We have significant expertise in supporting the carers of people with dementia.
As a carer looking after your loved one at home, you can be put under tremendous pressure. It is an invaluable but sometimes lonely role.
Service continues to run remotely.
The Wirral has a reported 42.000 carers with around 18.000 of these being over 65 years old. Many of these carers will be caring for loved ones who have been diagnosed with dementia and offered little if no support following diagnosis of this condition.
Carer support offers emotional support to both carers and the cared for who need to come to terms with a diagnosis. We introduce clients to carers groups offer information and advice and offer access to other Age UK services including our Admiral Nurse service and legal surgeries.
Service continues to run remotely.
The Wirral has a reported 42.000 carers with around 18.000 of these being over 65 years old. Many of these carers will be caring for loved ones who have been diagnosed with dementia and offered little if no support following diagnosis of this condition.
Carer support offers emotional support to both carers and the cared for who need to come to terms with a diagnosis. We introduce clients to carers groups and offer information and advice.
The Carer Support Service is for carers who care for a loved one who has dementia. We run our Carer Support Service to help take some of the strain with both practical and emotional support. We have significant expertise in supporting the carers of people with dementia.
Reminder Finders
This is a weekly group for people with mild to moderate dementia. It provides a range of stimulating and enjoyable activities, as well as the opportunity to interact socially, have fun and make new friends.
Research has shown that these MCST (Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy) groups can help people with mild / moderate dementia to maintain skills and memory for longer and improve general wellbeing and happiness.
This is a 12 week MCST programme for those who have memory problems. Anyone waiting for a diagnosis or had a recent diagnosis of dementia can be referred to the service. Our Service Co-ordinator will invite the person and their family to the Devonshire Resource Centre to tell them more and to assess their suitability for the group.
To get the benefit of the full programme it is important they attend all thesessions and advise us, in advance, if they know they are unable to make one week.
Contact us
For more information, please contact us at the Devonshire Resource Centre on 0151 482 3456 or email or