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Befriending volunteer

 As a befriender you can make a real difference.

What you will get out of it

  • It's a great way to make a real difference to someone's life
  • You'll be giving something to your community
  • You get to be part of Age UK Wirral's volunteer team
  • Volunteers tell us they find befriending really rewarding

What is expected of me?

We need car drivers

If you own a car, we are looking for volunteers (also called Transport Befrienders) to transport older people to and from medical appointments and to and from our services. We cover out of pocket expenditure with help towards fuel of 40p per mile.

This role can be tailored around your spare time and the team will normally arrange your working times a week in advance.


This is a personal telephone befriending service where clients receive a regular call from the same volunteer to talk for as long as the client needs.

..and we need shopping befrienders

We are receiving more and more requests for this service. The job is to carry out shopping trips on behalf of older people on the Wirral. This role can often be fitted in around your own shopping requirements and normally only consists of small amounts of shopping from one shop. Unless you indicate otherwise, the shopping will normally be for someone who lives locally to yourself.