Connecting Health Communities in Wirral
Published on 27 October 2023 10:37 AM
Connecting Health Communities is a national action learning programme focusing on reducing health inequalities and funded through the National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF). The programme is facilitated by IVAR, a national research charity who are working across 11 areas of England, supporting them to meet the challenges of integrated health and social care.
Here in Wirral there is a multi-agency steering group delivering the programme. The steering group consists of representatives from Age UK Wirral, Healthwatch, Citizen Advice, Older Peoples Parliament and IVAR. They are focusing on older people - specifically those who are 'falling through the net' and not accessing the local services and support that could help by asking: 'How can we support older people falling through the net and ending up in crisis?'
The work to date includes 2 workshops that have been attended by older people/those with lived experience, community and social enterprise organisations and public sector colleagues, including strategic leads and decision makers.
Here we share what we have been hearing so far [click to view] . The next workshop will be focused on listening to the perspectives and experience of those that work with vulnerable older people, including unpaid carers and those findings will build on these and will be shared in due course.
If you would like to contribute to this research or participate in one of the next workshops, please contact