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Reflections from a volunteer

Published on 01 April 2019 11:35 AM

Reflections from a volunteerLesley on reception at the Devonshire Resource Centre

Lesley Roberts volunteers in our Health and Activity Department as well as working on reception as a member of our bank staff

Cooking 4 One Demo Event - A Reflection

As I walked into the hall and saw how many people there were I could see how popular and much needed this event was. There was plenty of interaction, as Diane Halliday encouraged questions and discussion. The recipes were chosen to demonstrate the ease of preparation and cooking, and you could make extra and freeze for another day. Diane explained every step in the preparation and cooking process very clearly, and mentioned alternatives for any ingredient which was unsuitable for you.

The manager, Barbara Cook and Tamzin were on hand to provide much needed help (and entertainment!) for Diane. They all did such a good job. After each cooking session we were all invited to try samples of the food and I thought they were delicious. The bacon pot noodle was such a change for me, I would never have thought of cooking this recipe. I thought the initial demo was excellent and well run, and I am pleased to see courses being available during the year at low cost.

Tai Chi – A Reflection

I have been attending the evening classes recently started and run by Jacqui who is a lovely lady, very knowledgeable and with a great sense of humour! We have a good laugh during the session. I have been to other beginner classes and have found the learning and the moves a bit overwhelming at times, very hard to master, whereas the pace of learning with Jacqui is very good and we are being taught from scratch, learning the basic elements of how to move, posture etc. Tai chi is good for balance, coordination and your brain because you have to think of what you are doing. I have found the classes very relaxing, easy going (and a good aid to sleep). I would highly recommend them.