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Happiness Day

Published on 24 April 2019 09:40 AM

Happiness Day April 2019Our Intergenerational Conversation took place on Happiness Day!

The Intergenerational Conversation project runs in partnership with the Johnson Foundation and Age UK.

The aim is to bring  together older people and young people from schools all over Wirral to discuss things of interest to both groups. The conversations take place at the Johnson Foundation building in Pacific Rd Business Hub.

To date West Kirby Grammar and Birkenhead High School Academy have participated, with the conversations being

• Friendship and Self-Esteem
• What is Achievement and How can it be Measured in this day and age?

The next conversation is with Oldershaw Academy and the discussion will be “ Is the world a better place now or when you were our age?”

These events have proved to be enjoyable and informative for everyone. They have given insight into how the world has changed and at the same time how similar things are no matter how young or old you are.

Following on from yet another wonderful day and fabulous conversation about achievement in 2019 and how it can be measured, this is what the girls from Birkenhead High School Academy had to say...

 “It was a cheerful occasion, especially being on International Happiness Day. At the start of this fantastic experience, our first task was to make cups of tea for the ladies and introduce ourselves. Then, we split into two groups of six students, three mature ladies and a leader.

We talked about what achievement is to us and on the whole we decided that it is measured by our level of happiness. Money was not the priority for us.

It can’t be measured in monetary terms. We talked about personal goals, the jobs we wanted in the future and how the world has changed between the ladies’ careers and the present.

We discussed how achievements of men and women are judged differently and the effects of social media on this.Achievements can be anything that makes you feel good inside. It doesn’t have to be big and it doesn’t have to be what other people think.”

We all agree that these conversations have been a great success and that meeting such wonderful confident young people shows that we can have faith that they are our future".

Bernadette Mooney Community Engagement Manager