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Goodbye May

Published on 20 September 2019 10:40 AM

May Thomas' retirement

After more than 20 years with Age UK Wirral, volunteer receptionist May Thomas is looking forward to her retirement.

It was with great sadness that we said goodbye to our volunteer receptionist May Thomas who has decided to enjoy a well earned retirement after 22 years of service with Age UK Wirral. May began her voluntary career with us as a receptionist at Market Street and has also worked as a shop assistant in one of our charity shops before finally moving to Meadowcroft where her years of experience and professionalism proved invaluable.

She has always been a popular volunteer both with clients and staff, we will be sad to see her go. We have become close friends over the years we have worked together and will be keeping in touch on a regular basis.

"Thanks for everything May. You will be a hard act to follow", Linda O’Brien, Meadowcroft receptionist.

"We are sure that everyone would like join Linda in saying Thank You to May for all her years of service and wish her all the very best for the future". Health & Activity Department.

May wrote this message, "Thank you so much to all my friends and colleagues who attended my leaving “do” and who contributed towards my lovely presents and cards. I have had many happy years with Age UK Wirral and have met some lovely people. However, you can’t get rid of me that quickly as I have joined the “cooking for one” course on a Wednesday and look forward to seeing you all again. Thank you once again Lots of love and wishes May"