Wirral Foodbank

Published on 02 March 2018 09:24 AM
"We recently met with Wirral Foodbank to explore how we can help older people in need of emergency food or fuel access their services. Richard Roberts, Wirral Foodbank Manager, explains below who the Foodbank supports. Ask Us Wirral and Homes & Communities can issue foodbank vouchers to people in need.
We are currently working with the Foodbank to establish a supply of emergency food parcels within our own venues to help with access. Any teams that would be interested in finding out more can contact Richard directly to invite him to a team briefing".
Jamie Anderson Age UK Wirral Chief Executive
“Wirral Foodbank provides emergency food to local people in crisis. A crisis can come in various guises, the majority being changes or delays in benefits, debt or low income. There may be occasions, however, where individuals may find it difficult to access food, for example being house-bound or a recent hospital discharge with no food in the home. We currently offer such a service via the Emergency Social Service Team at Arrowe Park, who hold emergency food boxes.
As a foodbank voucher holder, Age UK Wirral is best placed to assess the needs of their clients; should you feel that someone is facing a crisis and would benefit from a food voucher please consider issuing one. Food boxes can be collected, on behalf of clients by Age UK Wirral staff or volunteers.
We not only provide emergency food for people in crisis. We are aware that many who come to the foodbank may also be facing fuel poverty – we can offer support to those who use pre-payment meters by providing a fuel voucher that can be used to top up their meter. Where possible we signpost Clients to other agencies who can offer the support they need, and hopefully resolve the underlying reason as to why they needed the foodbank in the first place.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me on 07947387930.
Thank you for your support.”
Richard Roberts, Manager, Wirral Foodbank