Community Conversation

Published on 13 March 2018 11:55 AM
Local people and professionals are invited to come and share their thoughts and ideas at a series of Community Conversation events. The feedback from these events will be used to shape future health, care and support services in your local area. These events will be friendly, fun and everyone will have an opportunity to contribute.
Wed 21st March Bromborough Civic Centre
Thur 22nd March West Kirby United Reform Church
Mon 26th March St Marks Church, New Ferry
Mon 26th March Tranmere Rovers
Tues 27th March Wallasey Town Hall
Tues 27th March The Lauries, Birkenhead
Wed 25th April Christ Church, Moreton
Wed 25th April Jubilee Church, Wallasey
Thur 26th April Heswall Hall
Events will run 11am - 4pm, are free to attend and all ages are welcome. Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
Sue Sanford on 0151 482 3456
Community Conversation
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