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You could be entitled to £100s off your winter fuel bills.

You may be eligible for a Surviving Winter Grant towards your bills if you are on a lower income and worry about the cost of heating. 

About The Surviving Winter Grant

The Surviving Winter Grant was introduced by Wiltshire Community Foundation 10 years ago and has helped 1000’s of vulnerable households in Wiltshire living in fuel poverty. This year they are working with Age UK Wiltshire and Wiltshire Warm & Safe to help people who are experiencing fuel poverty by providing grants towards fuel or other heating related costs.
This year the one-off grant available through Age UK Wiltshire is £200. The scheme will run until May 2022.  

Eligibility Criteria

You could be eligible for this grant (1 per household) if you meet the below criteria:

  • Are aged over State Pension age, and 
  • Receive a means-tested benefit or have a household annual income below £16,190 (excluding disability benefits), and 
  • Live in fuel poverty (we consider your heating needs, usage and difficulties in maintaining a warm home)

It can be awarded in addition to the government’s ‘Winter Fuel Payment’ (£100 - £300) and your electricity supplier's ‘Warm Home Discount’ (£140) which you may also qualify for.

How to Apply

Call us on 0808 196 2424 or use the contact form on our website and we can send you an application pack in the post. 

Additional Help

As part of the application process we will complete a free income maximisation check to ensure you are receiving everything you are entitled to. 

We’ll also have a conversation with you about how you manage your heating and energy usage to look at the reasons for your high fuel bills and whether you could be eligible for other support.

We can refer you to the organisation Wiltshire Warm & Safe for more specialist help if needed.

The Surviving Winter Grant is delivered in partnership with: 
