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Supporting unpaid carers in Wiltshire

There are currently thousands of individuals identified as carers in Wiltshire, we wish to ensure that these individuals can achieve a healthy balance between their caring responsibilities and personal lives. 

We recognise that caring for another person can be challenging. We can offer much-needed practical and emotional support to unpaid carers and provide opportunities for breaks from caring duties.

How we can support carers

We will work together with our partnership organisations to provide support to individuals providing informal unpaid care to an another person through a range of support services.

We can provide: activities, breaks, advice, counselling, coaching, training and support (including peer-support) for carers.

We are here to support you, offer a listening ear and practical help and support.

You can contact us on 01380 710300 or email

Expand the below sections for specific factsheets and further information on important topics related to caring.

Advice and Support for Carers

Advice and Support 

When you’re caring for someone else, it can be easy to overlook your own needs. Looking after your own health and making time for yourself can help you feel better and more able to cope with your caring role. This isn't always easy, but it is important to aim to achieve a balance between your caring responsibilities and own personal life.  

The below guide, 'advice for carers' looks at both the practical and emotional sides of caring, such as:

  • getting the help you need
  • financial support
  • practical tips and advice
  • looking after yourself.

The Age UK 'carers checklist' is a succinct 'to-do' list for carers interested in maximising the support available to them.

Advice for carers

Carers Checklist

Forward Carers and The Carer ID Card

Legal and Financial support for Carers

Am I entitled to any benefits?

As a carer, you may be eligible for financial support including 'Carer's Allowance' or 'Carer's Credit.

Carer's Allowance is the main welfare benefit to help carers, worth £69.70 per week (this figure is usually reviewed each April). To be eligible for Carer's Allowance, you must:

  • spend at least 35 hours per week caring for someone, whether or not you live with them
  • care for someone who receives certain benefits
  • not be in full-time education or earning more than £132 a week (after tax and expenses)

Attendance Allowance is a benefit for people over State Pension age who need help with personal care or supervision by day, or someone to watch over them by night, because of physical or mental

If you care for someone who meets the criteria, receiving attendance allowance may help to put more money in their pocket and offset the financial strain that a caring role can have on you.

Forward Carers have created a benefits calculator for unpaid carers, to help you find out what might be available to you:

Benefits calculator 

What help can I get from social services?

Carers Assesments

As well as assessing the needs of the person you care for, your local council's social services department should give you a carer’s assessment to see what help you might need in your caring role.

You can get a carer’s assessment whether the person you care for is having their needs assessed or not.

The kind of help and support you could get includes:

  • respite care to give you a break
  • information on local support groups
  • help with caring
  • equipment to help you in your caring role.

You may also be entitled to a 'personal budget', which is the amount of money the council has calculated will cover the support needs identified in your assessment. This can be taken as a 'direct payment' and could help you maintain your interests outside of your caring responsibilities. This direct payment could be a one-off payment, for example to fund an exercise class, or it could be an ongoing payment, for example to spend on something every week, like membership to a club.

How do I find out more about a carer’s assessment?

Contact us on 01380 710300 to request more information about the carer’s assessment.

Carers allowance

Attendance allowance

More money in your pocket

Looking after your money

Dementia Care

Caring for someone with Dementia

Looking after a friend or relative who has dementia can be very challenging. But it's just as important to look after yourself, too.

Caring for someone with dementia can lead to feelings of guilt, sadness, confusion or anger. Unlike other conditions, it can be difficult to share these feelings with someone with dementia, leaving you feeling very isolated.

It’s important to acknowledge these feelings and to remember that there’s no right or wrong way to feel. If you’re feeling anxious or low or you're struggling to cope, talk to your doctor who can let you know about the help and support available to you.

Please see the below factsheets for information about dementia care:

Caring for someone with dementia

At home with dementia

Adapting your home

Power of Attorney

Living with dementia

End of life care

Caring for someone nearing the end of their life 

Caring for someone who is reaching the end of their life can be really challenging. Planning for this loss can be difficult – lots of us tend to put it off until we have to. But giving the topic some thought means that you can consider all the available options.
Our guides about death and dying cover planning ahead, as well as both the practical and emotional side of a bereavement. 


Thinking about end of life

How to be an executor

Advice for Parent Carers

Are you a parent carer, providing care to your child who needs additional support?

As part of the Carers Together partnership, we can provide a support conversation to discuss your needs. We offer information, advice and guidance and can also signpost and refer you to other support services. We can carry out Carers Assessments if your child is over 18, and you meet the eligibility criteria for a funded service. We will also be providing peer support groups and sending out regular Parent Carer emails full of information and events.  

For more information about the support, we can give telephone 01380 710300 or email

Carers Together Wiltshire Leaflet

Read more about the carers together partnership via this leaflet.

The Carers Together Wiltshire Partnership

Age UK Wiltshire is working in partnership with Community First, Alzheimer’s Support, Wiltshire Service Users Network, Citizens Advice Wiltshire and Wessex Community Action, under the umbrella, ‘Carers Together Wiltshire’. This partnership will allow us to provide tailored support to the thousands of individuals across Wiltshire identified as a carer.