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Age UK Wiltshire is a great place to work. Could you bring your skills to our team? See our latest vacancies below.

Working for Age UK Wiltshire

Age UK Wiltshire is a local independent charity with around 60 members of staff, mostly part-time. We help over 1500 local older people every year, offering activities, events, social contact and information. It's a great place to work if you really want to make a difference in people's lives.

Community Connector – Bradford on Avon and Trowbridge  - £26,463

Provide support to older people in Bradford on Avon and Trowbridge, helping people to access information and advice and to become better connected with their communities, particularly people who are on a low income, socially isolated or find it difficult to access services. Support volunteers who will be providing a range of practical and other support to older people in the project areas.


As a Trustee you will provide a strategic lead and oversight for the direction of Age UK Wiltshire. We are looking for people from all walks of life with strategic vision, independent judgement, a passion for helping older people, and a willingness to give time and commitment to represent our organisation and its values. The post is unpaid but will provide you with a great deal of experience and satisfaction.