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The Big Knit - Make a Big Impact, One Tiny Hat at a Time

We have already collected a massive 31,000 tiny hats from you amazing knitters - but we still have a way to go to reach our target! By knitting tiny woolly hats for the top of Innocent smoothie bottles, you're helping us raise essential funds—30p for every bottle sold with a hat. These funds enable us to provide vital support and services for older people in Wiltshire, Swindon and Southampton. You can drop your finished hats into any Age UK Wiltshire location.

Age UK Wiltshire | Headlines

Important Update:

Our Information & Advice services are closed to new enquiries 24th March – 4th April 2025 inclusive. This will allow us to respond to the high volume of existing cases, complete essential training and to refine and organise our working practices and resources further, to support more people in the future. 

You can contact Age UK National advice line (0800 169 6565) for help with a wide range of queries including benefits, accessing social care and housing options.  

Our website has updated information to help with many enquiries - 

Thank you for your patience and we look forward to reopening shortly. 

Find out more

Check out what is new in 2025:

Over State Pension age? You could be entitled to Pension Credit and get the Winter Fuel Payment.

As Winter Fuel Payments transition to a means-tested system, Pension Credit is an ever more essential lifeline for many older people managing rising energy costs.It's important to check your Pension Credit eligibility as it can grant you access to the Winter Fuel Payment and additional financial support. 

Find out more:

Donate to our Charity Shops

We have recently opened new Charity Shops in Marlborough, Salisbury, Bradford-on-Avon and Devizes, all of which require your good quality, clean donations. If you cannot make it to one of our shops, you can fill out our collection form. Find out more about donating to us by clicking on the link below.

'Supporting an Older Person, One Donation at a Time.' 

Find out more about our shops

Donate to us

Read our latest News & Views newsletter, and Guide to Later Life

If you're looking to find out more about what we do in the community, the services we offer and how we can help you or your family, take a look at our latest publications below!

Our seventh issue of our quarterly newsletter, sharing more of what we do and who we are. 

Age UK Wiltshire News & Views, Issue 7

A guide to Age UK Wiltshire's services, as well as information on care options and providers is available in our popular Guide to Later Life.

Guide to Later Life in Wiltshire and Swindon, Issue 5

The Rising Cost of Living

Many people are finding it difficult to keep up with the changes to our cost of living but there is help available.

Our Information & Advice guidance can help with maximising your income and explaining what benefits you may be entitled to.

Benefits and Money Advice

You can also visit the links below for help from your local authority on cost of living support, including details of food banks and community larders in your local areas.

Wiltshire: Community Food Providers website

Wiltshire: Cost of Living website

Swindon: Cost of Living website

Our services at a glance

Looking for information or advice?

Our Information & Advice team offer free and confidential information and advice on a range of subjects, including; benefits and money, organising care and support, housing, and travel needs.

Are you feeling isolated or lonely?

We can help you find social groups, activities and services available in your local community. We want to help people stay connected, but also remain independent.

Looking for services at in your community?

We can provide information and guidance help you find services and traders in your area like shopping, domestic help, tradespersons, gardeners.

Find us on the high street

Our shops

Our shops raise vital income that enables us to support local older people in Wiltshire. We currently have three locations: Marlborough, Salisbury and Bradford-on-Avon. Find out more about our shops below.


Our charity shops require your good quality, clean donations. If you cannot make it to one of our shops, you can fill out our collection form. Find out more about donating to us by clicking on the link below.


Our dedicated charity shop volunteers kindly assist us with the day-to-day running of our store and the money raised helps further our mission to support older people in the local community.

Ways you can support us

Volunteer your time and skills

We rely on volunteers to support and deliver our services to local older people, and we have a variety of voluntary roles available.

Give us your feedback

We are always interested to hear about your experience using our services and how we can make improvements for the future.

Can't find what you're looking for?

We provide free, confidential and impartial advice on a wide range of topics and have created some frequently asked questions to cover the things we get asked about most often.



Your Frequent Enquiries answered

Information & Advice - your suggestions and feedback

Demand for our Information & Advice service is growing and we’re keen to expand our services so we can support as many people as possible across Wiltshire and Swindon. We would welcome your ideas on how you think we should do this.

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Call Age UK Wiltshire

0808 196 2424 0808 196 2424

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Our quality marks

Age UK Wiltshire has achieved the Age UK Charity Quality Standard (CQS).  The CQS is externally assessed by quality assessment experts, SGS.