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Mental Health Awareness Week

Published on 10 May 2024 02:05 PM

We would like to raise awareness on the issue of loneliness during mental health awareness week and the support available in our local community.

According to the NHS, In England, more than a million older people go a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour, or family member. Loneliness leaves people feeling depressed, alone, and vulnerable which can result in a serious decline in their physical and mental health.

Loneliness is the feeling experienced when people are unable to have the meaningful conversations and interactions that they desire and need. Drivers of loneliness can be anything from poor health and well-being, bereavement, lack of income or digital exclusion and let’s not forget large numbers of us were forcibly kept away from family and friends during Covid and this is having a lasting impact for a lot of older people.

Age UK Wigan Borough tackles loneliness by providing people over 50 who live in Wigan Borough with, amongst other things, a weekly activity programme. They have a wide range of activities such as lunch groups, dancing, and a telephone quiz so local people can still be a part of a social group from the comfort of their own home. 44.8% of Age UK Wigan Borough’s activity attendees felt less lonely due to attending a group activity. A group attendee says “Bright Days have helped me, as I look forward to seeing new friends and joining in the different activities” 

Our Chief Executive Officer Bryonie Shaw says ‘Addressing loneliness amongst older people is an essential part of what we do here at Age UK Wigan Borough and has been for a number of years. All our services aim to reduce the feelings of loneliness for local people and our Bright Days activity programme has been central to getting people together socially. Our activities are developed with older people to make sure it’s what they want and there’s pretty much something for everyone, so whether your interest is music, sport, dance or quizzing, we pride ourselves on making everyone welcome’

Our activity programme relies on donations to provide activities across the borough. Regular donations can lead them to plan and commit to providing activities in the future. Click the here if you would like to leave them a donation.