Cost of Living Support

- Location: Age UK West Sussex, Brighton & Hove
- Price: Free
Telephone: 0800 019 1310
With the rising cost of living having an impact on most people, it's important to understand what help is available and what support you might be eligible for. From paying bills to food banks and warm spaces - we’ve created a one-stop shop to answer help your questions and point in you in the right direction.
How our Information & Advice team can help you this winter
Our Information and Advice team (I&A) are on hand to give free, confidential, reliable advice on the support available this winter including:
• Maximising income and benefits
• Providing up to date information on the latest government and local support available
• Warm Home discount and Winter Fuel Payments
• Cheaper water tariffs
• Grants for white goods
• Food bank vouchers
• Plus practical support on keeping yourself and your property warm and any other winter and energy issues
Can I get support from my energy supplier?
If you're finding it difficult to keep up with energy bills or you owe money to your energy supplier, your supplier has a duty to help. Check with your supplier to see what support you might be entitled to.
Not receiving benefits?
If you're not currently claiming means-tested benefits, such as Pension Credit, it's worth putting in a claim as soon as possible as you maybe entitled. To find out more speak to our advisors.
Not sure what you're entitled to?
Our Benefits Calculator. can help you find out what benefits you could be owed. It's free to use and the details you provide are kept anonymous. Put more money in your pocket.
Please don't struggle alone. We can help support you, get in touch.
Case Study, Edith* – a woman in her mid-70s got in touch with us when her modest savings had been stolen, she had no food and no means of buying any as her bank cards had been cancelled. Even before the theft, she didn’t have a working cooker and often just ate sandwiches or missed meals. Her fridge freezer also broke down regularly. Our team referred her for one-to-one crisis support, reviewed her finances to check she was getting everything she was entitled to, plus helped to put in place a package of care which included social worker support, a new cooker and a grant for a new fridge freezer. She was extremely grateful for our help and said she felt much brighter after such a difficult time.
* Anonymous case study, not her real name
How to contact us
Call: 0800 019 1310
Links to websites offering support and advice:
• Help For Households - Government campaign Help for Households outlines the cost of living support you could be eligible for including income support, help with energy bills and housing support. There is a also an extensive list of discounts and offers available from businesses to help with the cost of living.
• West Sussex County Council & Partners - West Sussex County Council and partners offering practical support and advice to households in West Sussex. The hub also includes links to support from the local district or borough councils.
• Information from Martin Lewis - This page has up to date help on cost of living from Money Saving Expert, Martin Lewis - from what to do about energy bills to how to budget and how to get free or cheap food, and everything in between.