Fundraise for us

Your support is vital to our day-to-day operations
Challenge Events
Why not take on an exciting challenge event and raise vital funds for Age UK West Sussex, Brighton & Hove?
Whether you're walking, trekking, running, skydiving, or even abseiling, there’s an adventure waiting for you – all in support of older people in our community.
Community Fundraising
Whether you're a school, community group or an individual looking to raise money for Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove we will do our best to support you.
Whether it’s taking part in one of our organised events such as the Big Knit or playing the Community Lottery, taking on a challenge or perhaps putting on your own activity like a table top sale, coffee morning, a quiz night or holding a fundraiser at work or school, there’s something that everyone can do and our Fundraising Team are here to support and help you reach your goal! Get in touch by emailing us or call us on 0800 019 1310 to chat over your fundraising ideas or if you need any support.
Find out more about community fundraising
Corporate Support
If you run a business or you're an employee, nominate us as your Charity of the Year and see what a partnership with us can offer.
Companies can support us in many ways. By becoming a corporate partner, we can help you raise your profile within the community while helping you meet your corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives. It's a great way to motivate employees, gain insight into the over-50s market, get some great PR and help Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove to support vulnerable older people in the local community. We can offer volunteering opportunties as part of the partnership and the fundraising you do through corporate support could secure the future of one of our services or activities.
Fundraising Support
To help you raise vital funds to support older people in West Sussex, Brighton & Hove we have put together a fundraising tool kit to help you. Don't forget to complete and send us your registration form to let us know what you are doing so we can provide any support you need. If you are unable to download or print these, please get in touch and we can send them to you.
We also have other fundraising resources which are available on request including collection tins, collection buckets, stickers, banners and information leaflets.
Contact the Fundraising Team
Email or call 0800 019 1310