Local Age UK urges older people to tackle their homes, gardens and happiness this Spring
Published on 10 March 2025 11:20 AM
Age UK West Sussex, Brighton and Hove (WSBH) is urging older people to spring into action this month, to tackle their homes, gardens and happiness. The local charity is raising awareness of its Help at Home, Gardening and Home Visiting services which help people keep on top of everyday chores, but also offer companionship and connection, especially to those living alone.
Age UK WSBH offers these paid for independent living services, to try and help people remain healthy and happy in their own homes for as long as possible. Home helps cover all general household cleaning, but can also change beds, do laundry, walk dogs and collect grocery shopping. Gardeners can mow, weed, prune and plant as required. Home visitors are there to offer support and companionship, particularly for those feeling lonely or isolated. They can sit and chat over coffee, play cards and do crosswords with customers, or go for a walk together. They are also good listeners and make great tea! Everyone working in these services is DBS checked and undertakes safeguarding and other relevant training.
Stephanie Matthews, Head of Independent Living at Age UK WSBH said “Spring is a great time for cleaning and getting your garden in order, but also for having a bit of a reset or a new start. We know a lot of people prefer to live independently but might struggle to physically keep on top of cleaning and gardening as they age. Others might find life lonely, particularly if they live alone or have suffered a bereavement. We want people to turn to us in this situation, as we can help, both practically and emotionally. If you contact us, we hope we might be able to put a Spring back in your step!”
Charges for Independent Living services vary, but only cover charity costs, rather than making a profit. It’s common for family members to arrange these services for ageing parents or relatives.
If you or someone you know could benefit from Independent Living services , please call Age UK WSBH to find out more - phone 0800 019 1310, email info@ageukwsbh.org.uk or drop into the Age UK WSBH hub at 95 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE (open 9.30am – 4pm weekdays). Anyone on a low income and struggling with finances is still encouraged to get in touch as the charity may be able to offer a benefits check, signposting or other support free of charge.