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Making your voice heard - Age UK WSBH takes on community representative roles

Published on 12 July 2022 02:15 PM

We’re delighted that Jo Clarke, our Director of Partnerships and Localities, has been elected to be a Community Works representative across two positions in Brighton & Hove – Older People and Commissioning.

The roles are an opportunity for Jo to influence strategy, policy and decision making. As the rep for Older people she’ll be ensuring Older People’s voices are heard and establishing local services that are developed in consultation with them. As rep she’ll also be sharing information and helping join up even further the great work going on in the city, which aims to make Brighton & Hove a fantastic place to grow old.

As Commissioning rep, a shared role with Caroline Ridley from Impact Initiatives, Jo will be ensuring the charity sector is aware of opportunities to get involved locally, for all ages. They’ll be consulting with a wide range of community groups to ensure commissioning decisions reflect and respond to what people want and need in Brighton & Hove.

Jo said “It’s fantastic to be nominated by the sector for these roles. It’ll be so rewarding to not only help guide commissioning generally, but also to advocate for older people. In that respect, I can bring all the experience of Age UK WSBH, plus the ideas and opinions of our clients to these roles. I’m looking forward to helping join up the great work that’s already going on and making a difference for the people that need us the most. Please drop me an email if you are interested in either of these topics.”

You can reach Jo on

Further information on this and other roles can be found here: Voice and representation - Community Works